t h i r t y n i n e

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We parked alongside the curb of Sammy house. His car was in the driveway which meant this was definitely where he had sped off to after church. I was too scared to go in, a part of me wanted my ass to remained glued to this car seat but another part of me needed some approval that Sammy wasn't as pissed as he was on stage this morning.

Jack got out the car first staring up at the house that he was probably banned from after their arrest. I followed behind him as we walked up the driveway before jumping a bit at the garage door opening.

We all waited hoping it would be Sammy but instead just his delinquent older brother.

"My oh my." He fake gasped. "The troubled trio, come to do some more damage to The Wilkinson last name?"

"You've done that enough yourself, don't you think?" I questioned crossing my arms over my chest. "Where's Sammy?"

I knew that Sammy's family was definitely going to hate me after the stunt I pulled. There was no reason for them not to either.

"Kitchen." He muttered offended already. "Just try to pull the knife out his back quickly, hurts less."

Okay. I had definitely deserved that.

I tried to roll the anxiety off my shoulders as he approached the door leading into the house but even that wasn't enough. Definitely wanted the confidence I had twenty minutes ago when I was forcing Jack to come talk to him with me.

"Here goes everything." Jack sighed opening the door and letting me walk in first. I could smell the microwave burned popcorn before anything else in the house definitely meaning Sammy was in the kitchen. He can't cook to save his life.

I walked past the dining room and into the kitchen where Sammy was sitting in front of the microwave drinking a beer and waiting for his popcorn to finish. After fifteen seconds he pulled the steaming bag from the microwave before turning around to reach for a bowl but actually finding us.

He stared at us and we stared back at him and for at least thirty seconds no one said a word.

James broke the silence, "Welcome to your intervention!"

I let out a annoyed sigh closing my eyes and shaking my head. He seriously did not have to tag along.

Sammy didn't seemed humored by the jokes, none of us did actually, "Hey."

"Hi." I said now diverting the conversation to an awkward silence, "Are you okay?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked ignoring my question.

I asked, "Can we talk?"

He finally looked away from the both of us now turning to pour the yellowed snack into a clear bowl, "You want some?"

Jack and I didn't move but James gladly took some of Sammy's popcorn. I keep forgetting that James wasn't the one that cheated on him, James wasn't the one who wronged him, James had no reason to not feel uncomfortable.

"I'm not sorry about my speech." He said eyeing both of us up and down. This was the first time he seen us together since he caught us together and I could only imagine the horrible things he'd been thinking about us.

"I didn't think you had the balls." James joked over a mouthful of popcorn.

"I just think it's time for all of us to just-"

"Samuel I had sex with your girlfriend." Jack interrupted. I turned to look up to him as if he was stupid, and he was. This was not how we were supposed to handle the conversation. But Jack sure did just pull that knife right out.

Sammy's jaw tighten as he stared at Jack, "Ex girlfriend."

"I'm not going to say it was an accident cause it wasn't." Jack continued as if Sam hadn't said anything, "We both knew what we did, we both knew that it would hurt you-"

"And you still did it?" Sammy questioned now cutting Jack off.

They both looked at me as if I had the answer this time.

I clearly did not. I clearly was not in the right place to make good or bad decisions, because clearly I've been making a lot of bad decisions.

"Are you both like secretly mad at me?"

I shook my head, Jack said no.

"Then I don't understand."

That made three of us.

I sighed, "I don't think there was ever a logical reason behind it Sam. Things happened. Jack and I happened, I don't know how else to explain it."

Sammy still didn't move, he eyed Jack and I And this time I seen the hatred in his eyes. It couldn't be explained. It couldn't be made sense to nobody. Jack and I had slept together, I was still dating Sam, this was Sammy's friend. And as simple as it sounded, it wasn't one bit.

"Here's something logical for you Charlie." Whatever he was going to say next wasn't going to be nice, "I have every right to be pissed, to lash out. It's a little too late to pull the concerned girlfriend card."

"I'm not coming as your ex girlfriend, I'm coming to you as a friend!" I exclaimed becoming just as equally upset as he was.

"Well thank god I don't need you as that either."

The four of us stood in silence at the entrance of the kitchen not knowing what to do next, well I know what I wanted to do. And that was get out of this place.

It was obvious Sam didn't want to be bothered, not my me, or jack, or anyone at that matter. The last Sam and I spoke on this subject he forgave me, he just needed time. In that time he probably realized that I was indeed a horrible person, that I was the last person he'd want in a room with. And to make matters worse I showed up with Jack.

Sam touched the popcorn feeling it cool down as James took another mouthful. Jack crossed him arms over his chest and I stared around at everyone wondering who was going to say something first.

"I think-" James begin to say before finishing what he was chewing, "I think Sammy has every reason to be upset but what you fail to understand is that Jack and Charlie didn't mean to hurt you, even if what they did was extremely fucked up."

I let out a annoyed sigh, "You're not helping James."

He put up a finger silencing me, "Sam, you and Charlie were never going to be endgame let's be honest. And Jack, well I'm happy you're happy but you're happy with the wrong person. And Charlie, you're not the victim but you've also been forced to think a certain way your entire life. Your dad, the church, your boyfriend. We're all young, there's so much more ahead of us. This relationship isn't the end of the world, suck it the fuck up!"

He had a point. Several to be exact. I couldn't speak for Sam or Jack but for myself, I had a thousand things to say. My dad hated that I was just another failed daughter, going against his wishes, rebelling, becoming the worst parts of me. The church, as Sam said, was filled with hypocrisy, my mistakes shouldn't be all that they judge me for. And my boyfriend, Sammy, things could've ended better, so much better.

"Now," James said clasping his hands together before taking the bowl of popcorn from Sammy, "I heard the patriots are playing tonight."

I have no excuse for how shitty and rushed this is

Anyways, opinions?

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя