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Adultery was usually when one marrys another and then has sexual relations with another being. Marriage being that barrier that couldn't be broken.

But as I sat next to Sammy as he laughed at something my mother said I had felt nothing but the smell of an affair rolling off me. And I'm questioning it too, an affair of what?

Having a completely normal tension filled conversation with his best friend? I'm making friends, being sociable, it is not my fault that jack is naturally tension filled as well.

"Charlie are you feeling well?" My mom asked now making everyone look at me as I dismissed my thoughts.

"Actually, I think I have a migraine coming on." I partly lie, "I just need to lie down, can you finish dinner without me?"

My dad finally let my wishes be granted and I nearly darted up the stairs going into my room and locking the door.

The familiar vanilla scent had surround my body and the cool air made any anxious feelings in me suddenly diminish.

I felt around in my jacket pocket taking the napkin and placing it on my nightstand not even wanting to read it over again.

Before stripping from the tight clothes and throwing on something comfortable.

If God could just answer my prayers right now, that'd be great. Relieve me of testosterone problems and just focus on my school work and life choices.

I slumped in the desk chair spinning into circles before placing my laptop down and opening it. I quickly exited the Netflix tabs and opening up iMessage.

What a risky game I had been playing lately. My phone was very accessible and always on my person but my laptop was something no one in my family had interest in.

I stared at the composing message playing with my bottom lip and questioning if this was an actual idea. Did I really wanna risk the trouble and consequences that came with a guy like him?

I mean Jesus, he's James' friend, he must've been a horrible influencer.

I pushed my chair over to my bag and picking up my phone before rolling over to the desk again calling Jordan.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" She joked immediately picking up.

"Tell me about this Jack Gilinsky character?" I asked spinning around in my chair and now staring at the wall.

"Kicked out of West reunion freshman year for sex in the girls locker room, James left hand man, went to juvie last year for vandalism and extremely attractive." She spilled as if the phrases had been said before, "Oh and the sheriffs son."

"You're kidding?" I asked cracking a smile.

"Apparently owning a gun runs in the family."

"But not obedience." I joked making her laugh a bit, "He's-"

"Not your type." She broke in making me roll my eyes now staring back at the empty message, "Or yours dads as I should say. People like Jack have a special place in the world, and it's hell."

"Oh gosh Jordan, be any more cruel." I groaned.

"Sorry. But James and Jack are a duo of the devils best demons who pull good people into bad habits." She said obviously being 100% correct.

I mean what exactly was I even thinking. I'm surprised I didn't smell like weed and alcohol just by sitting across from him better yet touching him.

I jumped a little and the knock on the door totally forgetting Sammy staying for dinner.

"I gotta go." I quickly say before shutting my laptop and pushing the napkin in my jacket pocket not even wanting to think of Sammy's reaction to Jacks number laying around in my room.

I opened the door staring at the false blonde who had a plate of chocolate chip cookies and drinks.

"Your dad said a little wine wouldn't do harm." He smiled as I opened the door for him, "And I was thinking we could watch that show you've been talking about."

I smiled a bit, "When did cookies and vampires mix?"

"When my girlfriend liked them equally." He smirked placing the plate on my desk. He leaned on the desk looking at me as I turned the tv on, "You look so pretty."

"Don't I always?" I joked flipping my hair over my shoulder. And now he stared like Jack.

I guess he could wait for that call.


You would think because I got no school I would be able to update more but yikes I suck at my job...

Anyways, opinions?

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now