t w e n t y t w o

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Luckily James and Jordan grew tired of the party just as much as Jack and I did and wondered to the car at the same time so we can all go back to Jordan's. Well the girls anyways, James probably needed more than a couple drinks to make his night and Jack would tag along.

We had drove in silence back into the town. I had watched out the passengers window at the passing houses and shops. The new church has been done meaning our population would decrease, also the school sign telling us to watch up on reading over the summer.

I had already finished mine.

Finally we reached Jordan's neighborhood and pulled into one of the first houses omg the right. Jordan's mother was less careless of their recklessness, she understood what it was like to me a teen especially because most her life was taken away when she got pregnant with James at 17.

He pulled into the parking lot turning off the car and letting the sound of the engine resting fill the silence. James has been half asleep in the back to notice we had already gotten to our destination.

And Jordan was dragging herself out of the car. I sighed getting out as well and helping Jordan get to the garage door where she's horribly sneak back in and into her room.

I dragged her across the concrete struggling to pick her up before Jack had gotten out the car and deciding to help me get her to the door. Luckily we had without anymore fails and she quickly pushed through the door and instead of heading upstairs, she headed towards the kitchen.

Jack closed the garage door behind her not wanting the sound of outside wake her mom. She'd be more pissed about waking up than Jordan being drunk.

"We'll probably be back later." Jack informed me as I just played with the edge of my nail rocking back and forth on my feet, "Just keep the door unlocked."

"Well I'll probably be asleep anyways so-" I had let out an awaken cough, "Goodnight."

He laughed a bit, "We're not ignoring anything that happened tonight Charlie."

I had wanted to so badly. I just wanted this night to be over with already.

"Well I said what I said, there's no turning back anymore." I simply say crossing my arms over my chest, "I'm sorry if my sudden outburst made you uncomfortable but you asked for it."

He smirked down at me as if right now I could be the most beautiful thing he was looking at. There was definitely things far more interesting than I am. I had lived the most basic life and my looks had told the same story.

I mean not my outfit at the moment.

"Well now you're making me uncomfortable." I muttered lowly.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked. My stomach had dropped down to my big toe, I had felt the tingly forming in between my legs already. Asking instead of doing it had made the feeling of tension form even thicker.

"You want to kiss me?" I questioned back raising an eyebrow at him looking taken back.

"I have since the first day we met." He admitted, "I told you when the time was right we wouldn't be friend anymore."

"Right now seems like the time?" I asked once again my mind racing with thoughts, "Jack, you- I have a- of course you ca-"

Before I could even finish the sentence I had felt his cold palm pressed against the back of my neck slightly pushing me towards him. I was shocked by motion but more by the fact that his lips were on mine, going in motion, and I going along with them.

I had uncrossed my hands now one of them reaching to the side of his torso as a natural reflex. This was my first time touching him and that had made me nervous all over again.

He pulled our bodies closer together filling any empty space with our heat. I had like the feeling going through my body at the moment. The tingling going through my body, the heat forming between us, another persons skin on mine.

It had felt great, just simply great.

We had both pulled apart at the same time to catch some air apart from each other. Neither of us had moved but I knew James would get up wondering why the hell he wasn't feeling the car jerk and the drunken Jordan would need some help getting up the stairs.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He said beginning to back away letting his hand slip off my face as I now stood there watching him make his way to the car.

I turned on my heel once seeing the headlights flash onto me and pressing myself onto the door.

What do I do now?


Am I on a roll or what? I've had so much inspiration for this book lately.

Anyways, opinions?

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu