t h r e e

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Like said before, I had wasted any extra time I had in the day helping the kids practice for a play.

A play on how Virgin Mary became impregnated by Gods only son, it was cute watching the kids play pretend but it only lasted five minutes before realizing that they are indeed kids.

And every once in awhile, they got annoying.

I walked down the edge of the cement stares already looking at my car. It wasn't the only car in the parking lot, but I insisted that those were the ones that never worked again.

As I approached the car the suspicious sound of a window rolling down startled me. I looked into it staring at James in the drivers side and his devil ridden friend in the passengers already looking at me.

"Hey church girl." James teased making me roll my eyes. I bent down a bit looking at him.

"What drop out?" I retorted back. It wasn't nice but it had to be said for sure.

He look taken back by my remark, they both did. Like they never expect me to let something like that slip.

"Is Jordan with you?" He asked ignoring my comment.

"No, she stayed after school." I answered. My dads words had rushed through my head, talking to them was probably still a no go in his book, "Listen, my dad says stop hanging out in the parking lot."

"You always listen to what your daddy says?" The other one asked raising an eyebrow. There wasn't a sinister smirk on his face like last time, so I wasn't sure if he was serious or using sarcasm.

"Children need to obey their parents." I said.

James rolled his eyes, "You're almost 18 Charlie, you're not a child. And with a body like that, you can't pass as one."

I felt my face heat up, scratch that my entire body. That was an extra comment that needed not to be said, now I felt weird and as of now everyone was staring at me thinking the same way.

The guy slapped James on the chest making James confused, "There's nothing wrong with that, it's actually nice to know people still follow rules out there."

"Duuude..." James drew out making guy shoot him a look.

He kind of leaned out the window a bit holding out a hand and finally smirking, "I'm Jack, it's nice to meet you formally Charlie."

I had almost resisted like being sinister and full of rage was contagious and I didn't want to shake his hand. But I was formal with it and even after I shook his hand I had secretly wiped it on my skirt.

"Just keep out the parking lot James." I sighed rubbing my temple, "My dad is threatening to call the cops the next time he catches you smoking."

James laughed a bit while Jack still look at me. This time he was running his thumb against his bottom lip eyeing me up and down.

"We'll make sure of it." Jack said before looking over at James, "Right?"

James let out a grunt, like an agitated one with nothing but attitude behind it.

"Of course."

Jack smirked lookin back over at me. I got up from my squatting stance now just waiting for the two boys to pull away.

"Give 'daddy' a warm hello for me, Kay babes."

He sent me a wink before James sure enough pulled away make sure his car was louder than his mouth.

I watched it turn the corner hoping no one from church seen me having a small conversation with the two rebels.

Everyone knew my dad, I mean he was the pastor for crying out loud.

I just prayed God give me a pass this time around.

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now