t h i r t y o n e

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I pulled into the dirt round and stopping my car once seeing Jack's car. Of course he had decided to meet with me at the peak where everything between us had unfolded and destroyed everything around us. He got out of his car the only sort of lighting on his was from my headlights and even that wasn't enough. He approached my car before sliding into the passengers side not saying anything at first.

I turned my car off only letting the music quietly play and the lights in the car prepared to turn off.

"Have you talk to Sammy?" I asked not bothering to give him my attention just yet.

He shook his head, "Why the hell would that guy want to talk to me?"

I shrugged, "The same reason he talked to me. An explanation? A reason?"

Jack let out a small laugh shifting in the passengers seat and getting comfortable, "Well I can't give him either of those."

I rolled my eyes a bit still staring out the windshield hating the monotoned conversation we were currently having. Jack and I hadn't shared a dull moment so the uncomfortable silence between us was irritating.

"I'm going to Georgia." I confessed, "Actually my dad is forcing me to go since the new found drama."

"Georgia?" Jack repeated back looking over at me slightly but noticeable, "What the hell is in Georgia?"

"Not you."

I had finally looked over to him as we made a brief eye contact before breaking into a small smile. The humor was needed, especially because I needed a small laugh just to have a reason to smile in this terrible situation.

"Jesus Christ." He muttered with a slight smile before looking over to me, "How do I make it right?"

I sighed sharing the same look back over to him, "You can't and I'm okay with that."

He lifted his hand and pressing it to the side of my face. He traced down my jaw before slightly running his thumb over my bottom lip staring at my lips as I stared at him.

I had to learn my lesson somehow, someway throughout this entire scandal but even now I didn't want to stop. I didn't care for the reaction from other people of my decision, my dumb decisions but still mine to make.

I quickly grabbed his hand pulling it away from my face as he leaned in pressing his lips to mine. I could taste the newly applied vanilla chapstick he must've put on before he entered my car. I had felt my breath literally being taken away with every passing second and the guilt building up along with it.

The guilt would still haunt me. Is this not the same situation that put me in my current situation?

"It's almost as if we didn't learn our lesson." Jack joked as he pulled away looking at me.

I smiled too feeling him tighten his grip on my hand before interlocking his fingers into mine and flicking his eyes between my eye and lips. I let out a small sigh knowing that this was going to be the last moment we'd spend together and the last exciting moment of my life.

"Well lately I've been avoiding any form of responsibility." I admit, "And if that means sneaking away from my chaotic house right now, so be it."

Jack smiled eyeing me a bit before leaning back in his seat, "I like this version of you. The one that does what you want and not what others do."

I wish I could agree with him but even know I wasn't so sure of what I wanted. Being with Jack these past weeks had definitely brought out a new attitude and personality that was hidden behind Sunday service and bible versus. I didn't want to go back to that boring lifestyle but I had been hurting and alienating everyone I cared about most just so I could genuinely be happy for once.

What I wanted was for everyone to understand and be fine with my new path in life and so far James is my number one supporter, and his support meant I was doing something completely wrong.

"How come you still see the good in me when everyone thinks I'm becoming the devils spawn?" I questioned.

"Charlie, you were never a bad person." He admitted looking over to me, "And the fact that you think living a carefree life makes you a bad person shows how much everyone around you would rather see you put on a fake smile rather than a real one. You weren't happy and even I could see that."

I swallowed a forming lump in my throat taken back by his statement. This definitely showed my dad never practiced what he preached considering Jack out of all people understood my feelings better than my own father.

"You messed up once." He continued, "But that doesn't make you a bad person. Hitler was a bad person, not the preachers daughter."

I smiled a bit feeling Jack begin to rub his thumb against my hand as I latched to a couple of his fingers fidgeting with them.

"This goodbye is gonna be harder then I thought." I admit giving him a weak smile.

"Just say you'll see me later and we'll both be fine." He said lowly interlocking his hand into mine.

I sighed looking up to him before bravely leaning on and pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth as he turned enough the second time to actually kiss me properly.

"I'll see you later Charlotte."

"See you later Jack."

He reached for the handle and getting out of the car. I watched him make his way to his car as o started mine and beginning to face the realization that this was probably worse than my actual breakup with Sammy.

Thankfully before I had gotten to caught up in my own thoughts my phone had blared the basic ringtone. I quickly pulled out my phone from the cup holder and staring at the caller ID.


He must've known I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing.

"Yes?" I quickly answered as I pulled away from The Peak. I glared out my mirror at Jack's car still parked.

"Why aren't you home yet?" He questioned, "Your curfew is 10:30 and its about ten till."

I stared at the time on my radio totally letting it slip my mind. I didn't think I had been out literally for the entire day and that nobody wouldn't notice even though it had ended so great last time.

"Traffic." I quickly lied followed by a silent sigh, "I'll be there soon."

I hung up quickly not wanting to start a conversation or even an argument with him which I knew it would lead to that. I sighed placing the phone back in the cup holder before looking back at the road.

This long ride would give me enough time to decide what to say to my dad before I leave. If I was going to Georgia I might as well, there's no way he's going to be able to punish me there.

It was more of if I could get away with saying it.


I know it was a wait but you guys know I have the worse writers block

Anyways, opinions?

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now