t h i r t y s e v e n

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"When I look in front of me I see a disbalance between the youth and the elders. The thing I can't really put my tongue on is how did this come about? Because our parents become mentors in our lives? Because everyday our elders probe us of what we should be, who we should be? Or is it just because none of you know how to work Instagram?" The adults around us laughed as I stayed back to back with the wooden bench crossing my arms over my chest but my eyes never leaving Sammy's body.

"I've been coming to this church since I was six years old. Everything I was taught about the word of god and the righteous path to follow was here. This church is probably carrying more of my secrets then I am at this point." Another small laughter. "Yet I always wonder if God knew how much hypocrisy goes on within these walls?"

I seen everyone around me tense up, even I had. Jordan had stared wide eyed at Sammy as James and Jack just looked up at him with a very satisfied smirk.

Who would know Sammy better than Jack and James to know this was the same kid they met in high school?

"As John 4:20 said, "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.""Sammy had caught everyone in the crowd off guard by this point. Even my dad looked like he was going to stop it if it weren't my mom holding him down.

Sammy pointed back to the four of us in the back. Jordan and I had tensed up as Sammy directed his finger over to Jordan. "Jordan drinks heavily, is the biggest party goer I know. But she's good in the heart, do you hate her?"

Jordan had awkwardly laughed and smiled at the several eyes on her. The had judged her intensely through their shocked stairs.

Sammy then pointed to James. "James and I almost had a threesome with Kami Goodwin in my moms basement. Remember that? Do you hate him"

James smirked brightly up to his friend sending him a thumbs up. Everyone had eyed James as if he was the most vile person they could lay eyes on. Kami was being stared down as well from the front of the church, her mom had already began whispering upcoming threats when they returned home.

Sammy then pointed over to me. I knew what was going to come out of his mouth but I deserved it. And I was ready to face whatever death stares I was going to receive because I was not the good Christian girl they thought they new, but that didn't make me a bad person.

"Charlotte." He said calmly. He inhaled deeply through his nose making his shoulders rise and fall quickly yet not breaking eye contact with me. "The most heartfelt woman I know. She taught me how to drive after I failed my drivers test three times prior. She got me invested into church again after I went wild in the beginning of high school. I cannot thank her enough. Thank you for cheating on me with my best friend Charlie, because you're glowing babe. And I don't hate you."

He paused evening out his breath. "Do you hate her?"

I stared at him still as he stood still in the middle of the stage staring back at me. I felt the tears fill the rim of my eyes but refusing to let them fall. I let the tears gloss over my eyes instead as I help in a much needed sigh.

"And as for you Jack."  I stared down at my shoes as everyone not turned to Jack who sat unbothered about anything that has been said prior to him. "I love you like a brother man especially when mine are assholes. How could you do that to me? Do you hate me?"

I turned to look over at Jack as he just stared back up at Sammy very nonchalant as if anything that was being said wasn't that big of a deal.

As if Sammy didn't just out us to the entire church.

"Mr Ryder." Oh dear God save this kid already. "Thanks for letting me speak today in front of the church. You're right, this was a mark to a new beginning. Also can't forget to think every single one of your actions for inspiring me, the most hypocritical person I know."

I sat up straight in my seat letting my jaw hang open as I stared at my dad's tense face. My mom was taking very deep breaths trying to evaluate all that Sammy said. But just like me, we both knew it was true.

"There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known." Sammy finished off backing away from the crowd in front of him. "Luke 12:2."

Everyone had sat frozen in their seats but muttered to themselves or their neighbors around them trying to figure out what the sudden outburst was about and why Sammy would ever pull something like that.

But I knew, the judgement one day would have to stop and people would have to see you for what you really are.

And just like me, Sammy had no idea who he was.

And I was happy for him.

It's almost midnight and I'm supposed to be asleep for graduation tomorrow but I just had to finish this. Like I'm not very religious myself because I have always experienced hypocrisy when I did go to church.

A lot of people compared my church life with my personal life and it got messy to the point where I literally DREADED going to churches so I just stopped going all together.

So this was kind of like a glimpse of that sort of thing.

Anyways, opinions ?

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