t h i r t y f o u r

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I had stood between James and Jack pressed against the tall metal barrier in the very front of the stage. I could hear the music bouncing off my ear drums and the metal under my hands vibrating along to every bit of sound. The crowd behind me and the two boys beside me roared towards the front of the stage basically suffocating me in sound.

If this was a concert, I didn't like it.

The bass had already been blowing my hair back and the screams had heated everything around me. James and Jack seemed to be enjoying themselves though and I didn't want to be the one to spoil that.

I let out a faded sigh before looking up to the stage as the lead singer jumped around in the front to his music. He stared back at the crowd holding his mic out so everyone roared backed the lyrics. I hadn't known them.

He jumped onto one of the speakers near the front before hopping down onto the ground in front of us. Everyone had pushed closer to the gates as he approached the crowd. There was no physical talking just constant yelling and random one worded screams.

"Let me hear you Oakland!" He shouted into the mic as the crowd went back to yelling the lyrics.

He walked down towards James and giving him a tight handshake making James literally fangirl over the star touching his hand. He then looked over to me as I just forced a fake bright smile pretending I was also along with the hype.

The music had literally start to fade as he stared down at me with a very devious smirk. "Well, Hello."

Oh. He was Australian.

"Hi." I muttered lowly.

He put his hand up still staring at me before turning to his band members to get their attention. He signaled something with his fingers before the guitarist took the mic and begun singing instead.

"So, who am I looking at tonight?" He questioned. He was still out of breath from jumping around and singing and totally drenched in sweat to the point of his hair looking as if it was straight out a shower.

James and Jack had stared down over to me along with the small forming crowd behind me.

"Charlie." I say.

"Well congratulations Charlie." He said before learning closer to the railing. He placed one of his hands on top of mine and pulling himself up to my ear. "You just got into vip. A one on one meet and greet after the show."

He leaned back from the railing as I stared over to his with a very nonchalant face. He winked over to me before taking his mic back and singing along to the rest of the song.

I looked over to Jack who had just smirked over to me leaning onto the fence. He was obviously satisfied with me being capable of getting this bands leas singers attention. I obviously had no idea who they were but they were pretty known since the crowd turned up bigger then expected.

As cocky as it sounded, I was also proud I was able to get his attention. At least I know I'm doing something right. Most my life my dad had made it seem as if I had to hide my body and god forbid the opposite sex even glared in my direction.

What felt like hours later the band had said goodbye and the crowd had finally poured out into the rest of the field. Jack, James, and I were the last to leave since our spots were all the way up to the front. Jack had handed me his water bottle as I thanked him since I had become dehydrated earlier during the show.

"So. What did Kai want?" James asked as we walked away from the gate.

"So that's his name." I say before shrugging. "A meet and greet. Even though I have no idea who he is I was going to go so you guys can at least see him."

"How considerate." Jack awed placing a hand over my shoulder as I handed his water bottle back. "But you know why he invited you backstage?"

I looked up to him confused. "To meet him? Maybe take a picture?"

James and Jack had shared a similar look before laughing a bit between them. I scrunched my eyebrows up confused before pushing Jack's arm off my shoulder.

"Babe he wants to sleep with you." Jack then explained. I had scrunched my eyebrows together in disgust at even the fact that he thinks he could even get near me. I mean, at least jack took me out to coffee, this guy just sweated in my face and winked.

Rock and roll doesn't always make girls fall to their knees.

"Oh my gosh." I groaned. "I seen plenty of prettier girls out there!"

"Maybe he likes the innocent act." James shrugged before chugging his water bottle. "By the way, you can't play innocent if you aren't."

"I am..."

James smirked rolling his eyes playfully before walking ahead of us and sliding into a short bathroom line. Finally it had given Jack and I some alone time, I've only been waiting since we both met up with James.

"I hate that guy." I mutter crossing my arms over my chest.

Jack let out a low whistle. "Christians can hate?"

"Don't we hate everything controversial already?" I then questioned raising an eyebrow at him as he just smiled down to me.

"What time do you have to be home?" He asked lifting his hand to pick off a stray leaf that had gotten stuck under my jackets hoodie. "You definitely don't need to piss your dad off anymore than you already do."

I agreed on that part but I still checked the time on my phone. My heart dropped when I had seen the few missed calls from my dad, my moms few text, and Sammy's missed call as well.

Jack looked down at me then reading my screen as well.

"Too late."


I can't believe I graduate next week, like I've been waiting for this moment my entire middle/high school life.

Please just make it come faster.

Anyways, opinions?

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