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For some reason not running into Jack seemed more probable than me reading my bible by the point.

Jordan and I had managed to convince my dad of letting us go get snacks for a movie night and of course when we pull up to the gas station he's there sitting on James car smoking.

Jordan and I had just sat the car parked across from them, thanking the tinted windows, and watched them for a while.

Occasionally he'd throw his head back laughing and I'd felt that sudden tingly rush again. I couldn't even tell Jordan that I had felt tension just by being near him.

I couldn't when I had a perfectly good boyfriend.

"We can't just sit out here all night." She said looking over to me as I played with my bottom lip staring at Jack, "Charlie! Snap out of the jawline."

"I'm not even looking that hard!" I protest. I had finally stopped the creep staring and lift my hood over my head and thrown my shades on, "Do I look like the preachers daughter now?"

She rolled her eyes doing the same before we both got out the car at the same time and attempting to walk to the door without them noticing.

And we did make it in. Until we looked like we were about to rob the store and both the clerks were eyeing us suspiciously. I had thrown down my hood and placed my shades in my pocket and going to the candy isle picking up a few bags as Jordan ransacked the chips isle.

"Can I get a pack of white owls?"

I recognized the deep voice and quickly hid myself behind an isle but failing miserably considering I knocked over most of the things on the counter.

And when all eyes were on me there was no point I hiding anymore.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize putting down my things and picking up the many things on the ground. Jack smiled brightly before taking his stuff and walking over to help me.

"Don't get too lost in my eyes." He joked as I just rolled my eyes placing the things poorly on the self.

"You have no worries there." I say making him look at me a bit still smiling, "I didn't even know you were here, what a surprise."

"Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow and now we both got up from our squatting positions, "Because I totally could tell it was you when you walked from your car, Charlotte Ryder."

He read off my drivers license as I quickly snatched it back, "I wasnt hiding, it was cold."

He rolled his eyes as I picked up my candies again, "I guess now I won't get that call since we're talking now."

I looked up at him, "You were waiting for my call?"

He shrugged leading me to the front, "On the hot nights where I'm up all night thinking, I liked to hear something other than my own thoughts. And I wouldn't mind that being your voice."

Oh Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

What the hell am I supposed to say to that? How did I work my way out of that?

I placed the candies on the counter now waiting for Jordan, "Will tonight be one of those hot lonely nights?"

He smirked biting his bottom lip and bit and looking down at mine. I fought back a smile, "Goodnight Charlotte."

He walked backwards smirking at me until he turned around and walked out the store. I had watched him through the glass door as he got into the passengers seat of James car and the car pulling away.

I smiled to myself not even sure why I was smiling before Jordan came beside me with at least half a dozen chips in her hands.

"Please tell me your paying." She said eyeing the chips with thirst, "I had to go all out, I mean did you know they have so many different kind- why are you smirking at me?"

I paused, "Just seeing all this food makes me so happy."

"You and me both sister."

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