Chapter 2

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I woke up at 7:30 in the morning. It was early, but that's about when I wake up anyway. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a pop-tart, and sat down to the Saturday cartoons. At about 12:00 I decided to go to a cafe for lunch. I changed my appearance to the blonde woman and put on jeans and a Hollister top. I slipped on my flats, grabbed my white coach purse, threw $30 dollars in it and left. I walked down to a small french cafe.

I got a table and ordered a cappuccino. After sitting for about 10 minutes with my drink, two men walked over and sat down at my table. Pulling on my fake french accent I politely asked "How may I help you?". The tall blonde man talked first "Mam, my name is Steve Rodgers and this is Agent Coulson. We would like to talk to you about-" I stopped him before he could finish. "You are Captain America!" I exclaimed in fake excitement. "Yes ma'am, but I was wondering if you know anything about the robbery that took place yesterday." I nodded my head. "I know it was done my the one called Flairess Ninetales. I also know she stole a lot of money." He nodded then asked "Do you know where she is?" I shook my head. The Agent then spoke. "Don't lie to us Miss Ninetales." I froze then pulled a confused face.

"I don't know what you are talking about. My name is Marie Delacour." I stated nervously. "Then may I ask why your eyes are red." I froze. He held up a hand mirror and I looked inside. Sure enough my eyes were red. Shit, I thought. I forgot to change my eyes! I slowly stood up, then dashed out of the building. I heard their footsteps behind me. I threw several fireballs, causing a thick wall of smoke to appear in front of them. I took that chance to teleport into my apartment. I ran to the safe just as I heard pounding on the door. "This is Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D open up."

I hid the safe were they wouldn't find it and then slowly walked to the door. I opened it and the men from before and several others including a black man with an eyepatch stormed in. The eyepatch man spoke. "You are being taken into custody by S.H.E.I.L.D for questioning. You can come voluntarily or forced, your choice." They then grabbed me and took me outside. So much for voluntarily.

They threw me into a large helicopter and then we took off. I boldly spoke up. "If I may ask, where are you taking moi?" The eyepatch man answered. "Drop the accent, and we're taking you to S.H.E.I.L.D." Uh oh.

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