Chapter 36

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Flairess POV:

I let go of Loki and slowly turned around to see everyone staring at me in shock, a little bit of happiness, and a little bit of anger. I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my head. "Hey... so what's happening- oof!" I got stopped mid sentence as Natasha tackled me to the ground in a hug. "OH MY GOD! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" I laughed and embraced her. "Love you too Nat." She got off of me and helped me up. I turned back to the others and was again tackled into a hug, but this time it was everyone, so it hurt a whole lot more.

"Okay, I'm back, your happy, I get it, but I need to breathe." They let go and I gasped, taking in delicious oxygen. I felt a pat on my back and I looked up to see Logan. "Nice to see ya again kid." I smiled. "Nice to see you too Logie." He huffed at his nickname and I giggled.

I felt myself being lifted up and looked down to see Thor grinning widely at me. "Tis good to see you again Lady Flairess!" I laughed and patted his arm. "Nice to see you too Thor, now ugh, can you put me down?" He set me down and I said my hellos to everyone. I thought I was done but then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to my sister who was pointing to the only person who hadn't said anything to me yet. Tony.

I felt my heart start pumping in my chest and I slowly walked over to him. He had a face full of hope and pain, it hurt my heart to see him so. "Hey Tony." He just stared blankly at me. I sighed. "I know what your probably thinking, why did you leave, how did you get back, da da da da da. Well, I left because I needed to let things cool down, and when they finally did I decided to come back. You know me, always loving to make an entrance so I came back as a villain, Fury knew cuz I told him in the interrogation room and-" I was cut off by arms wrapped around me, and I looked up to see Tony hugging me. He was also... crying? Now I really felt like a jackass.

"Oh Tony, please don't cry. Your gonna make me cry and... and... it's gonna ruin my makeup... and.." I felt my own cheeks grow damp and my throat tighten. "Dammit Tony I-" I didn't get to finish as Tony held my chin up with a finger. I looked into his beautiful eyes and I saw love. "Tony-"

"Shut up." I cocked an eyebrow. "Excuse me? Bitch who-" I got cut off as a pair of warm lips covered mine. My eyes fluttered shut and I heard oohs  coming from the spectators. He pulled away and I opened my eyes, in a total state of shock. Tony Stark just kissed me. My friend, the one who was always flirting and swooning over the ladies, (me included) just kissed me. And it was not a dream.

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