Chapter 27

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I woke up with a pounding ache in my head. I tried to remember why I was hurting and then it hit me. Tranquilizer. I groaned and tried to sit up, finding that my feet and hands bound to the table. Amateurs I thought as I easily teleported out of my restrictions.

I looked around the dimly lit room. It was so hard to see, even with my animal senses; so I lit a fire in the palm of my hand. Oh how I wish I hadn't. I saw my sister, bound and gagged on a metal table, her face cut and bruised, and blood staining her clothes. Silent tears ran down my face as I ran to her side.

"Shadow! Shadow wake up!" She stirred and I sighed in relief. "W-where am I?" she stammered. I brushed her raven black hair behind her ear. "Shh it's okay, I'm going to get you out of here." I heard a dark chuckle behind me. "I don't think so." I spun around to see a man in his mid fifties wearing a lab coat walk slowly towards us. He wouldn't have scared me If he didn't have Black wolf ears and a black wolf tail. I growled at him and stood in front of my sister protectively. "What do you want with us?" He chuckled.

"I don't want anything with her, just you." I cocked an eyebrow. "Why me?" He smiled evilly. "Your sister is weak, she has a limited range of powers. As you can tell, our experiments on her have failed." Shadow whimpered and I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You on the other hand, hold great power. Your abilities are extraordinary! If I can harness out your abilities then I can make others like us!" I growled at his remark.

"You are nothing like me." He grinned a grin that would put Loki to shame. "Wanna bet?" I was about to pounce on him when the doors to my right flew open. I was never as happy to see a hero then in that moment. "Tony!" I shouted when I saw the red and gold tincan. "Flair, what a coincidence, how have you been?" I laughed dryly. "I've been better. And... so has my sister." I motioned to her and everyone paled. "Tony, Steve, Logan, I need your help to unbind her." They nodded and I turned back to he crazy wolf man, knowing they would get my sister out of here. "Now where were we?" I smiled and swiftly turned into Ninetales. I growled and had started to pace towards him, when he started to change too. There was a bright light and then a dark wolf like creature was in his place. Mightyena.

We circled each other, waiting for an opening. He paused and I pounced, knocking him to the ground. He sunk his fangs into my shoulders and I screeched from the pain. He raked his claws down my back and I jumped away. I felt my wounds healing and I made my move. I jumped at him, engulfed in flames and tackled him, nipping at his neck, and clawing at his face. He howled and threw me off against the wall. I shakily stood up and shook out my pelt. He was good, but I was better.

I flew at him, a blur of cream and orange. He tried to get out of the way but I was to quick. He sunk his teeth into my ankle, mine into his throat. We struggled against each other for a few moments before he went limp in my jaws. I held on for a few minutes making sure he was really dead. I then finally let go and shifted back to my regular form.

I turned and saw Steve carrying Shadow bridal style and all of them grinning at me. I smiled weakly. "Where's Clint and Nat?" "They went to take care of the guards and to report what happened to Fury." replied Scott. I nodded suddenly feeling light headed.

"Flair are you alright?" Tony asked. I nodded my head before collapsing to the ground. Before I completely lost consciousness, I heard Tony say something. "That's our Firefox."

Flairess Ninetales, Criminal Gone Good?        Where stories live. Discover now