Chapter 34

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I woke up and smiled mischievously at what I was about to do. I slipped on a pair of yoga pants and a blue sports bra. I had it all planned. I would walk into the kitchen like it was all normal, like i'd been here the whole time. You see, I was thinking all last night about how my original plan was ridiculous, and how I probably could have come back without all the drama, but then again I'm not known for my brilliant plans.

I spent a few minutes doing a cat eye makeup and then put my hair in a simple braid. I groomed my tails and made sure my ears were okay before stepping into the hall. Hey, if I was gonna come back, I was gonna come back looking good!

I silently tip-toed down the hall and stopped at the kitchen doorway. I shut my eyes and listened for a moment. I could here Loki speaking to Shadow and Tony arguing with Steve. I smirked and stepped inside, thinking how glad I was to be back, when I froze. Sitting at the counter was Shadow with Loki's arms wrapped around her waist. Nothing wrong. Until I noticed her stomach, and how it was now sporting a baby bump.

I growled and instinctively stomped over, tails snapping, and all eyes locking onto me. So much for a stealthy entrance. But that didn't matter seeing as how I had to kill Loki for knocking up my little sister. I grabbed his shirt and yanked him up against the wall, a fireball forming in my free hand.

"How dare you! I trusted you with my sister and this happens! I was gone for only two months and you already got her pregnant! What are you, rabbits? I should kill you right here, give me one good reason not to!" I practically hissed the last part. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see my sister, tears pouring down her face. "Let me be the reason."

I immediately dropped Loki and hugged my sister tightly, tears running down both our faces. "I missed you so much..." I shushed her and stroked her hair. "I know..." She pulled away and started hitting my chest... hard.

"I cant... believe... you left... me!" She stopped when she noticed me grimacing and she hugged me again. "I know, but I'm never leaving again." She sniffles. "You promise?" I laugh full heartedly. "Yeah, I promise."

She let's go and I place my hand on her stomach. "I can't believe I'm going to be an Aunt!" I walked over to Loki. He flinched but then relaxed as I hugged him. "Thank you." He cocked an eyebrow. "For what?" I smiled. "For being there for Shadow." He smiled with me. "I will always be there for her." I grinned and patted his back before whispering back, "Good because you know the punishment for hurting her." He gulped and I chuckled. It was good to be back.


Sorry it's short! I will do a 'she's back and reunites with the avengers' chapter next and it may or may not be in Tonys POV.... It's still being decided on.

Tony: Will me and Flair kiss? For real?

Flair: Why are you asking?

Tony: Just curious....

Everyone: Bai!!

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