Chapter 6

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"Are you fucking kidding me!" They looked at me in shock. I was pacing the room. "First you practically blackmail me into joining your little play group, next you get the team of mutants that have been trying to get me to join their 'school' for several years here?" Natasha spoke up. "You chose to join this group-" I stopped her before she could continue. "Ya like telling me I'll go to jail if I don't join you is giving me a choice." She ignored me. "And secondly we did'nt know that you had had a run in with them before."

"Do you have a training room I could burn something up in?" Nick nodded. "Why don't we have the whole team go watch you? We still need to asess you anyway." I just shrugged and followed Nick to the training room. Once there I shifted into my other form. My other form is ninetales of course. When I turned around they all had even more shock on their faces.

I smirked on the inside. I then telepathically talked to them. "Let's warm up first, set it to level 5." I saw him turn a knob then 3 robots appeared. I ran swiftly to the first robot. I was practically a blur because I was so fast. I hopped on it's back and grabbed it's head in my mouth. I then quickly decapitated it. It fell to the ground in a heap. I then turned my attention to the other 2 robots. They began to fire their guns at me and I threw up a forcefield. When they stopped firing for a minute I ran at them. A minute was all I needed. I quickly took up a sturdy standing position and focused. They began to float. They were covered in a purple aura. I then ripped them in half with my powers.

I turned to stare at them in the control booth. "Is that all you got? Turn it up to your highest level." Nick didnt even hesitate as he turned the knob. I was quickly surrounded by 20 robots. I could hear Bruce speak up. "She's gonna get killed in there! You have to stop her!" I smiled "I'm shocked Brucie. I thought you would have more faith." I could see him blush. I then turned my attention to the robots.

They slowly approached me. I just sat there till the last moment. Then I used my overheat that caused fire to shoot out from all over my body. When I opened my eyes I saw robot parts all over the place. As I was basking in my pride I heard Tony shout at me. As soon as I looked at him I felt a pain in my chest. I had been shot. I quickly shot a flamethrower at the robot and it melted into a goop. I then looked at my wound. I had been shot in the chest. All the Avengers ran down to me as I turned back to normal.

"Are you all right?" It was Natasha. "Ya I'm fine just watch." They watched in awe as the bullet popped out of my chest and the hole closed up. Bruce spoke first. "Genetically altered healing factor?" "Yep." I nodded.

As they were congratulating me Nick came down with another agent. I looked at him. "What's up?" "First off, I want to say you did well. Secondly I want to say it's time." I asked a question I already knew the answer to. "Time for what?" He gave me a sympathetic look. "Time to meet the X-men."

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