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Me: Hey everyone!!!!!

Tony: Why are you so happy?

Me: It's a free country bish!

I have more than one question (yay!) so let's get cookin!

Thor: What will we be cooking?

Shadow: It's an expression Thor. It means lets get started.

Thor: Oh.

Me: Ok, first question. From @purpleshadow14

@Flairess: That was a very clever idea!! How did you come up with it so quickly? Oh and personally I ship you and Logan. You both have that animal spirit, plus you'd be able to handle his... nightmares and stuff.

Flairess: Thanks! It just sorta, came to me, you know? Plus I'm a fucking genious so...

Shadow: And that, is the ever humble Flairess.

Flairess: *growls* Shut up! Anyway that is a very good ship! I think we do make a good couple!Although... so would me and Tony or Steve... too many feels!!!

Natasha: Drama queen.

Flairess: Ya, ya. Wait, Logan you have nightmares?

Logan: No...

Flairess: Aww! You needs a hugs! *hugs Logan*

Logan: *le blush*

Me/Nat/Shads: WOLVTALES!!!

Flairess: What?

Natasha: Your ship name with Logan.

Flairess: Oh...

Me: Next question! From @purpleshadow14

@Shads/Natasha: So... whatcha do with Loki and Clint?

Shadow: Well...

Natasha: Hehe...

Flairess: Did you fondue?

Tony: HAHAHA!!!

Steve: I understood that reference! :D

Flairess: All for you Stevie. ;)

Shadow: No we did not fondue! We made out...

Loki: Your a very good kisser love. <3

Flairess: So you two going out or....

Loki/Shadow: Yes!

Flairess: Aww, I'm so happy for you Shads! But Loki, you hurt her in any way, *growls* I will end you.

Loki: *gulp* Yes mam!

Me:Ookay... next question! From @purpleshadow14

@Tony, Logan, Steve, Loki, Clint: 1) You guys suck at hiding, except maybe you Clint.

2) What was your punishment like?

3) How do YOU feel about the girls

Tony: I do not suck at hiding.

Flairess: Yes you do. You just went to where you usually hang out.

Logan: We were still the last ones to be found!

Flairess: Only because I chose to find you last!

Clint: Girls, girls, you're both pretty, and thanks for acknowledging my hiding abilities @purpleshadow14

Me: Okay moving on. Question number two?

Tony: My punishment sucked.

Logan: What happened?

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