Chapter 10

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We all piled onto the javelin and took off. At these speeds we would reach Stuttgart in 45 minutes. There was nothing to do yet so asked for the plan.

Of course Captain Blondie was the one to explain it. "When we get there, me you, Logan, and Stark will hop out and contain him. Once we contain him we take him back to the helicarrier and Fury will carry it out from there."

I nodded and pulled out my iPod. I put in my earbuds and pressed shuffle. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri came on. I listened to my music until we got there.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Clint. I stood up and pulled out my earbuds. "Ready to go?" I nodded and changed forms. Captain Blondie gave the signal and we jumped out of the plane.

I landed gracefully and looked for Loki. I saw him keeping prisoner a large group of civilians. I blasted a flamethrower in front of him just as he was going to blast an innocent old woman.

He turned my way and smiled evilly."Ah, the freak known as FireFox."
I growled. "Your the only freak around here!" He smirked. "Am I?" I smirked back. "Yes and your about to get your ass whooped."

He started to laugh but before he could reply Captain Blondies shield knocked him over. I took over and held the front of his shirt in between my teeth and shook him like rag doll.

When I was done I realized I must have used my full strength cuz he was knocked unconscious. I turned back and dragged him over to the helicarrier. Logan and Tony pulled him up and I climbed up after them.

It was going pretty good until Blondie spoke. "You could have killed him!"
"But I didn't!" Tony and Logan snickered while I death glared Steve. Woah woah woah, Steve? I think that's the first time I called him that. Anyway I sat in front of Tony and Logan who were sitting beside each other.

"Thanks for all your help." Tony pouted a very fake pout. "Aww princess, don't be mad. And we did help, we dragged reindeer games on board." I pouted even more and Logan just grinned. "You know your face will get stuck like that if you keep it there." I stuck my tongue out at him and he grinned wider.

This was going to be a long ride back.

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