Chapter 7 part 2

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"Healing factors are great, aren't they?" Logan was in shock. "H-how?" I sighed then repeated my whole story. Again. The red glasses man had his mouth hanging open. I decided to say something. "Close your mouth honey, you'll catch flys." He quickly shut his mouth, blushing.

"I don't believe we have officially introduced ourselves." The white haired woman walked up to me holding out her hand. "I'm Ororo, aka, Storm." I smiled. "Let me guess weather powers?" She nodded. The man with red glasses came up next. "Scott, aka, Cyclops. I shoot lasers out of my eyes." I nodded. Next came Logan. "Logan, aka, Wolverine." I smiled. "I think I already know what you can do." He smirked and backed off. "But what can you do?" It was Storm. I smiled.

"Shall we go back to the training room?" I led the way and they followed. Oh this was going to be fun.


Sorry this chapter is REALLY short.

Flairess Ninetales, Criminal Gone Good?        Where stories live. Discover now