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Me: Hai!! Pokefreak16 here and I would like to welcome you to today's question and answer! We'll be starting off with @purpleshadow14 questions.

Tony: Why am I here?

Me: Because I said so. Now, first question.

@pokefreak16: Where do you see this story going? Like potential ending and sequel stuff like that.

Me: Well, I want to write a sequal so be looking out for that and-

Flairess: Damn straight there will be a sequal.

Me: Ahem, as I was saying... I believe that as long as I have my readers I shall write. I believe that they are the reason I write.

Shadow/Flairess/Natasha: AWW!!!!!

Me: Alright, calm down. Next question.

@Flair: What were your exact feelings when Tony kissed you?

Tony: She enjoyed it.

Flairess: Shut up! At first I was shocked, but it felt... right. Like it was meant to be.

Shadow/Natasha: AWW!!!!!

Tony: In other words... She enjoyed it.

Flairess: *sigh* Yes Tony, I enjoyed it.

Me: Okay, before we get dramafied, next question.

@Tony: What compelled you to kiss Flair and (sorry for asking this) Compared to the other... woman... you've... kissed... how was Flair?

Natasha: Oh boy, here we go...

Flair: Be watchful of your words tin-can.

Tony: I will, have faith. I kissed Flair because it felt like the right thing to do.

Flair: Wow. Totally winning my heart here.

Tony: Im not done! Since the first time I saw her, I knew she was different. She filled the hole that Pepper left in my heart, and she always kept me on my toes. She appreciates alcohol such as I do-

Flairess: Damn straight.

Tony: And I have realized that I, I love her...

Everyone: :O

Flairess: R-really?

Tony: Really what?

Flairess: Y-you love me?

Tony: Ya. Why would I say that if- *interrupted by Flair kissing him*

Me: Aww!!! Okay next question.

@Steve/Logan: Your thoughts? (I feel like a talk show host or something XD)

Steve: Im happy for them, I believe that they will make a great couple. Even though I did like Flair, im not going to get in the way of love.

Logan: I agree with Steve. Ya, I liked her, but im not gonna get in the way of their love. They are obviously meant for each other.

Flairess: *sniff sniff* Thanks you guys, that means alot!

Me: Next question.

@Shadow: How do you feel about Tony and Flair being an item knowing Tony's... way with woman? PS, I would love to see an hormonal pregnant woman yelling at Tony.


Loki: Calm down honey, the baby remember?

Shadow: I know, the baby. *deathglares Tony*

Tony: *gulps* Yes mam, I-ill do my best.

Flairess: Shadow... *cocks eyebrow and puts hands on hips*

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