Chapter 22

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Hey peoples!!! Pokefreak16 here And it's a pleasure writing for you!!! This chapter will be in Flairess POV so there's no confusion. Enjoy!!!


I changed into Ninetales and walked out of the room. Ya I wanted to kill Stark, but I was going to do it in style. "JARVIS, where are Tony and any of the others who were spying on me?" I waited a moment before he responded.

"I don't believe I'm allowed to reveal that information Miss Ninetales." I huffed in annoyance. "JARVIS I could rewrite your programming in the bat of an eye, I suggest you tell me where they are."

"Mr. Stark and Logan are hiding in the garage, Mr. Rodgers and Loki are hiding in the Lobby's bathroom and Mr. Barton is in the airducts." I grinned "Thank you JARVIS."

I walked into the elevator and pressed the main floor with my paw. I would get Steve and Loki first, then Barton, then Logan and Tony. The elevator dinged and I stepped out and towards the bathroom.

I stopped before entering and changed back into my regular form. It would be easier to sneak up on them the way. I walked in and saw a business man washing his hands in the sink. He paused when he saw me. I hissed silently and jabbed my thumb behind me. He got the hint and rushed out if the bathroom.

I heard a shuffling of feet and looked under neath the biggest stall and saw two pairs of feet. I grinned. Slowly I walked up to it, and flung open the doors. "AHHH!!!!" They screamed and tried to bolt past me but I held them in place. "Flairess, it was all Tonys idea, I swear! I-" I gagged him with toilet paper. "Oh I know, but you were still involved." I tied them up with some heavy duty rope- don't ask where I got it- and dragged back into the elevator.

We reached the sitting room and I threw them on the ground. I moved the table to the edge of the room and made more room for my victims. "Flair, you dont have t-mmfff!" Loki didn't get to finish because I gagged both him and Steve with some dish rags. "Oh, sure I do! Now you guys stay hear and let me fetch the rest of you! JARVIS, don't tell the others I'm coming."

"Of course Miss Ninetales." He seemed almost... scared! Wow, I must be good if I scared JARVIS. I opened up the vent in he ceiling and climbed up so I could get Clint. You think things are bad for them now, you won't be able to watch when things really get started. I heard heavy breathing and turned in that direction. Clint here I come.


With some struggle I manage to gag and tie up Clint. I had just dragged him out and was sitting him next to Steve and Loki when Scott and Ororo walked in. I froze and they blinked.

"Do we even want to know?" Scott asked. I shook my head. "Nope." I said popping the P. He nodded and they both went down stairs through the elevator. I pulled everyone beside the couch and made sure they were uncomfortable before teleporting into he garage. I appeared behind his red Camaro and crouched. I crept slowly around to see them standing idly by the workbench.

"Ya think she'll find us down here Tony?" I could see him shake his head. "No. JARVIS would have told me." I covered my mouth to keep from giggling. If only he knew. They had there backs turned to me so I slowly crept up behind them. They still hadn't noticed until I grabbed them by their shirt collars. "GAHHH!!!" They screamed and I hit them over the head with a piece of metal. Tony blacked out and Logan just groaned. I gagged and bound Logan then Tony. I teleported all three of us and put them in the living room with the others. I made sure they couldn't get free and skipped off to get Natasha and Shadow.

"Hey girls!" They jumped at my voice. "The boys are tied up in the living room and were gonna have a little fun. Dress sexy, VERY sexy and meet me in the hall." They looked at each other and shrugged but I could see that glimmer in their eyes. Shadow stopped outside my door. "We're not gonna kill them are we?" I laughed. "No Shads, we're not gonna kill them. I'm not that cruel. We're just gonna have some fun." Recognition flashed in her eyes and she scurried off.


I stepped out of my room very impressed with my appearance. I was wearing a SHORT sleeveless golden dress that showed a teasing amount of cleavage and golden pumps. I had done a smokey eye and straightened my hair. Natasha came out wearing a black dress that stopped at her knees and had a slit on her right side going up to her mid-thigh. She also had a smokey eye and wore matching black heels. Her hair was pulled into a messy but pretty bun.

Shadow came out in a short red dress that rivaled mine. She also did a smokey eye and wore red wedges and matching studs. Her hair was pulled into a braid and she looked stunning. We both made are 'extra' features disappear so it would be easier to 'flirt'. I hummed approvingly and motioned for them to follow. I stopped just before we got into eyesight. "Okay on three, we walk out gracefully and sexily, got it?" They nodded and held my hand up.

"One, two, three!" We walked in and eyes widened and jaws dropped. We ungagged them and stood back with hands in hips. "Ladies, you look quite stunning if I do say so myself." I rolled my eyes. "We know Stark. We're here to punish you." He gulped as did the other males. I gave the signal and Shadow dragged Loki to her room and Nat dragged Clint to hers, leaving me alone with the last three victims.

"What will I do with you three..." They just sat there, scared. I thought about their punishment. Knowing Steve, he probably was dragged into it and was innocent. I sighed and walked over to him. I squatted in front of him and caressed his cheek. "Oh Stevie, I know you were probably dragged into this so I'll go easy on you." He visibly relaxed until I leaned into him. I made sure to show off both ends while I did so. I placed my lips on his cheek and gently kissed it. "Goodnight Steve." I untied a blushing Captain America and gently nudged him towards his room. He waked slowly still trying to comprehend what happened.

"Logan, you probably had more to do with this than Steve but I know Tony was the mastermind so I'll go easy in you also." I hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead. "G'night Wolvie" and I untied him and he scurried to his room. Lastly, there was Tony.

"I know exactly what to do with you." He whimpered and I dragged him to my bedroom. I sat him against my bed and stripped down into my red bra and underwear. I sat on his lap bridal style and ran my fingers through his hair. He moaned. "F-flairess, just let m-me go and I can make us both happy." I smirked. "Naw I'm good right here." I brushed my lips against his and stroked his cheek. He whimpered with want and I smirked, putting my mouth next to his ear.

"Goodnight Mr. Stark." I hopped off him climbed in my bed. "W-what? You can't just leave me here!" I grinned. "Uh yes I can." and with that I fell asleep.


Hi! I know it was kinda purvey (don't judge me) but I needed an entertaining punishment! I'll be doing another question and answer so asks away!Hope you enjoyed!



Flairess Ninetales, Criminal Gone Good?        Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя