Chapter 8

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I led them to the training room. Once there, they went to the observation room while I stayed where I was. "Nick turn it to level 5." He nodded and three robots appeared. I threw fire at one and it blew up. I then used my psychic powers to rip the second one to pieces. The third one fired at me and I backflipped out of the way. I then threw a fire ball at it and it blew up like the first one. I turned towards the crowd. "Anyone volunteer for my final trick?"

Logan walked down the stairs and towards me. "I'm the only one with a healing factor so I guess i'm the volunteer." I purred "Perfect! Now I don't have to go easy on you!" I walked to the far side of the arena. He walked towards me and I held up a hand. "You might want to stand back for this party trick." I closed my eyes and imagined ninetales in my head. When I opened them I felt the transformation coming on.

My front and back limbs grew longer. My face lengthened into a muzzle and my clothes were exchanged for fur. My senses were even more hightened, if that's possible. When my transformation was complete I looked at Logan. He was staring at me in awe. If I could blush, I would've. Wait, what? Never mind. I got my paws well positioned and stared right at him. "You get first move."

He shrugged then ran torwards me. I stayed where I was. I could hear Scott in the other room. "What is she doing!?" I smirked. Right before Logan got to me I ducked under him and spun around. While he was trying to find me I jumped on his back and sunk my teeth into his neck. He sunk to the ground. I hopped off and looked up towards Scott. "That's what im doing."

He looked puzzled then blushed, remembering that I had psychic powers. I changed back then waited for Logan to wake up.

Soon the two teeth marks healed up like nothing happened. Logan sat up on his knee's in shock. Im guessing he never got beat so easily before. I held out a hand and he hesitated before taking it. I pulled him up and he still had shock written on his face. "What never been beaten so badly before?"

He growled. "Not by a girl." I giggled. He blushed. Did I have this much power over men? I mean I made three guys blush in one day! I looked up at the control room. "So, when do we get started on the real mission?"

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