Chapter 28

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I woke up to a dimly lit room. My arms were connected to wires and I was still in my outfit from before. As my mind processed everything that had happened I jumped out of bed, ripping the wires out of my arms.

I had saved my sister and she was in critical condition. Guilt washed over me as I realized I had been laying there, nothing wrong with me for a few hours, when I could've been with Shadow.

I sensed my sisters brainwaves in the room next to mine and I teleported directly in there. Bad idea. I appeared, swayed a bit, but quickly caught myself I looked up to see the others and Loki was by her hospital bed, holding her hand. I whimpered at her critical condition. Now that she had been cleaned I could see how bruised and scratched she was.

I walked slowly and silently to her side, then I collapsed onto my knees, crying into my hands. "This is all my fault! If I had been there I could have saved her from all of this!" I felt a hand on my back and saw Tony. He frowned at me. "It's not your fault Flairess! You had no idea this was going to happen!" I shook my head. "No, they used her to get to me! If I wasn't here and I was still on my own she wouldn't be in this condition."

Tony tilted his head, confused. "F-flairess, w-what are you trying to say?" I stood up and took one last look at my sister and what was my new family.

"I've got to leave for your own protection." And with that, I was back in Paris.

Flairess Ninetales, Criminal Gone Good?        Where stories live. Discover now