Chapter 33

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*Two Months Later*

I pulled on my skin tight black suit and strapped silver blades to my thighs. I used my powers to turn my hair blonde with silver streaks and put on a silver masquerade mask. I pulled on some black wedge boots and looked myself over in the mirror. I have to say, I look pretty damn good.

I admit, it's a little weird going back to my crime life after being one of the good guys for so long (a few months is long for me) but it's for a good cause. I already sent a "threatening letter" to Patchy so all I have to do now is wait. I told them the big bank at 9:30 and it's 9:25. I took a deep breath and teleported myself inside the bank vault. I smirked when I saw all the money. Hey, I may be good now, but every girl has her weakness.

I grabbed a few handfuls and shoved them into a silver sack. I threw the bag over my shoulder once finished and opened the vault. It creaked open and I hesitantly took a step out. Even though I wanted them to capture me, I had to make it believable. I got my nerve back quickly and walked confidently towards the front doors when my favorite group of people fell in front of me. If you guessed the Avengers, ding ding ding, you're correct!

I smirked under my mask and waved. I pulled a British accent and cocked my head. "And to what do I owe this great honor?" Natasha cocked her gun and pointed it at me, as did the others with their weapons. I tsked and put a hand on my hip, still holding onto the small bag full of my hard earned bounty. "Its not nice to point at people love." She just rolled her eyes. "You can come with us willingly, or by force." I grabbed a knife from my thigh and licked the tip, then throwing it directly at Clint, grazing his shoulder while still looking at Nat. She growled. "Ok your choice."

She fired round after round at me, while Clint and Tony did the same. I easily back flipped out of the way and blocked a bullet coming towards my head with my psychic powers. Her eyes widened and I lifted them all up with ease. It wasn't until then that I realized we were missing a certain blonde god, and at that same time something hard hit the back of my head.

To any other person it would've killed them or knocked them out, but it merely knocked me to the ground. I groaned and got up to find Steve putting me in handcuffs. I groaned and struggled weakly as they put me on the jet.

We arrived at the helicarrier and they dragged me to the interrogation room. Nick walked in and I looked into his eyes- well eye, blinking once and allowing myself to communicate with him mentally.

'Nick, it's me Flairess. I came back in disguise so that I could surprise everyone. Here's what I need you to do. Bring me to them as a new recruit to the Avengers. Once they bring me to the tower, I'll show my self and everything will be happy got it?'

He glowered at me before nodding and then proceeded to drop me off before them. They all looked to him and he explained what was going on. They merely nodded (Tony of course complained a little) and brought me back to the tower. They showed me to my room and I barely got myself to sleep. Tomorrow's the day I reveal myself, and won't they be surprised!


Hey! I know sucky chapter...

*audience throws fruit and stuff at me*

Down! Down! Anyway... I have started two new stories, one called 'Ashley Isley, the Toxic Rose', the other 'Moving into Slendys Mansion'.

I will mostly update this one again by this Sunday so be on the lookout! Love you all!

Love from Laughing Jacks bae,


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