Chapter 16

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It had been 3 days since my talk with Tony when all hell broke loose. I was in heat. You see since me and my sister are pokemon hybrids we don't have periods, we go into heat. I only came out to eat, and that was when no males were around. I also avoided my sister so I didn't put her into heat as well.

On my third day I woke up at 7 o'clock. I put on sweatpants, a tank top and left my hair down. I quietly opened my door and tip tied to the kitchen. Only Natasha was there. "Hey Flair where have you been?" I looked around before spilling. "I'm in heat so I've been camping out in my room for a couple of days." She just mouthed "oh" and sipped her coffee. I grabbed a granola bar and looked up to see Tony and Logan walk into the kitchen. My heat half was screaming "take me!" while my normal half screamed "run!".

I looked at he guys, to Nat, then back to them. I slowly backed towards my room, but before I could dash for it Logan grabbed my arm. "What's wrong Flair? You seem tense." I yanked my arm away and bolted for my room, locking the door behind me.

Logan shared a confused look with Tony and they stared at Natasha who was chuckling. "What's her problem?" Nat looked them dead in the eye. "Girl stuff." They still looked confused but they shrugged it off.


It was evening when Fury stopped by for a visit. Every one was in the living room but me. They introduced my sister while I watched everything from my room. "Where's Agent Ninetales?" I heard him ask. "In her room. She won't let anyone near her and she's really cranky." Fury looked at the security camera. "Agent, get your tails in her right now or so help me." I groaned and slowly made my way over there.

"Finally, why have you been avoiding us?" I just stood there. Bruce stepped forward. "Are you sick? Do you need help?" I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. J-just stay back!" He looked at me confused but stayed where he was. Shadow sniffed the air and looked at me with wide eyes. "Are you...?" I nodded and bowed my head in shame.

She just gave me a sympathetic look, along with Nat while the others were still confused. "Princess, what's wrong?" I looked at him and immediately regretted it. Those beautiful eyes, perfect face. I shook my head backed away. I took one last look before dashing back to my room.

They all looked to Shadow who suddenly felt small. "Shadow what's going on?" She sighed. "Well...she's in heat." Everyone's jaws dropped except Nats, Shadows, and Bruce's. "Bruce, whats that?" Tony asked in a childish voice.

"It's kinda like a period only no blood, only happens once a year and whoever goes into it has a strong "desire" to say. It doesn't surprise seeing she is a human, animal hybrid." Shadow spoke up. "It practically turns us into sluts for a week." Everyone nodded. Fury cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. "Well, I'll, urr... Ill come back later." and with that he left.

Everyone looked at Shadow. She frowned than realized what they were going at. "Oh don't worry, I made sure to come after I had mine." They all sighed. They didn't want another hormone crazy girl on their hands.

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