Chapter 18

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I grabbed a couple wine bottles and enough glasses for everyone. I gave them all a glass and poured some wine. Let the fun begin.


We were wasted!!! By us I mean Shadow, me, and Tony. "Heyy Shad's,lets sing!" She giggled madly and nodded. "Frosty the.. the... I forgot." We both burst out laughing and Tony downed some scotch. "Hey Tony, will ya, will ya hug me, I need's a hug." He hugged me and then I hugged everyone else. He frowned. "Was my hug not enough?" I smirked. "Nope!" Logan chuckled.

Shads stared at Loki. Loki looked uncomfortable. "Lady Shadow what is wrong?" She just blushed hard and giggled. "You're pretty handsome!" and then she burst into more giggles. Loki blushed and me and Tony burst out laughing. I walked over to Nat and sat down in front of her indian style.

"Nat, will ya braid my hair, pleeeeaaassse?" She sighed. "Ya." I grinned a dopey grin while she braided my hair. I heard the elevator door open. "Ding!" me and Shads said at the same time. We burst out laughing and Fury walked in.

"What in the hell is going on here?" I stumbled over to him. "Were havin a partay Nicky! Join us!" He looked unamused. "I came here to check on you and it looks like I came just in time." He threw away the bottles causing Tony to moan. I hopped on his back.

"Tony your my horse and we is goin to challenge Stevie to a duels." Before he could reply I was pulled off. "Oh no you don't. You're all going to bed!" I ripped myself out of Furys grasp and plopped down beside Steve and Clint. "No I'm having to much fun!"

Shadow growled at him. "And I'm hanging out with my boyfriend!" Loki blushed furiously. Tony grabbed Nats wine. "Hey!" He ignored her.

"And I have to ask Flairess somin important!" He grabbed a circle pretzel from the trail mix and knelt down in front of me. "Flairess Ninetales, you are the awesomest person I know, besides me of course. Will you be my Best Friend?" I started crying. "Yes Tony a thousand times yes!"

He slipped the "ring" on my finger and the others burst out laughing. "Congrats sissy!!" I heard Shadow yell. Clint put me over his shoulder. "Alright time for bed." I shot one last look at the group in the living room. "Merry Christmas you filthy animals!" Clint chuckled and set me down on my bed. "Cwint, will you tell me a story?"

"No." He walked out and shortly after I passed out into a dreamless sleep.

Flairess Ninetales, Criminal Gone Good?        Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora