Chapter 26

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We parked the helicarrier in the air a few meters away from a rundown laboratory, one that was used to experiment on and mutate humans and animals. Coincidence, I think not.

We hopped out and trekked over, myself taking the lead. My ears laid flat against my braided hair, my tails thrashing. I could only imagine what horrible things they were doing to my sister. She didn't have healing factors, and that's what worried me the most. She wouldn't be able to immediately heal from her wounds.

"Flair, wait up!" I turned around to see the rest of the group right behind me. "We need a plan." I looked Steve in the eyes. His gaze softened under my gaze, it was probably full of pain and hatred. I was never good at hiding my emotions.

"I have a plan, I'm going to give myself up-" Tony grabbed my arm. "No you're not! How do we know he'll give Shadow up if you turn yourself in? He could be lying!" I shook my head.

"You didn't let me finish. I turn myself in and then you guys infiltrate the building. I'll do my best to fight him or her, and distract him while you guys find us and get Shadow out." They all nodded, except for Tony. "But what about you?" I gave what I hope was a reassuring grin.

"I'm going to finish him or her off" He looked like he was going to protest again but I cut him off. "I'll get out of there or call you guys in for backup if I need it." He seemed satisfied with my answer. We all agreed to the plan and the Avengers/X-men went a few meters away into the forest to hide and wait for me to go in. I sighed and walked up to the door.

There was a little intercom device and I pressed the button. "Markonson Labs, how may I help you?" said the crackly voice. I pressed the button again and spoke. "Flairess Ninetales, I'm here to get my sister." There was a pause and then the crackly voice returned. "We've been expecting you. Please come in."

The doors swung open and I took a step back. I looked back to the forest, then stepped inside. The doors closed and several guards came out and surrounded me. The tallest one came up to me and grabbed my shoulder. I growled and tried to pull away. He held on and I kicked out with my right leg and hit him in his special place. I punched the other guard in the face, but before I could really get him the third guard stuck a needle in my neck.

As I slipped into the darkness, I couldn't help but to think how much I really hated tranquilizers.

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