Chapter 30

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It was 5 weeks later, midnight, and I slipped on a black cat suit and used my powers to change my hair to a blonde shade with silver streaks. I attached my knives to my legs and crawled out of the bedroom window and onto the roof. I was going to the local bank to make a... withdrawal. The same bank I robbed a few months ago, only with a different identity. I will be SilverBlade, a new non-powered villain. I probably will have to dull my skills so they are only a tiny bit better than Nat's or my cover will be blown.

I stood on the 4th floor looking down the stairs. I needed to move silently. I tip toed down the stairs and finally reached the lobby, the vault calling my name. I easily opened the safe but I guess the cameras had already caught sight of me because alarms started going off. I grabbed a few wads of cash and left a rose on the pile, the safe cracked the tiniest bit open.

As I turned to leave I heard footsteps and a click of a gun. "Freeze and put your hands up." I recognized the voice but remained calm and swiveled on the balls of my feet. There stood Natasha, gun pointed at me, and the rest of the Avengers behind her. Did I mention that I had sent a letter explaining "my" plan to rob this bank? What can I say, I'm cocky.

"Ah, the famous Black Widow. How are you on this lovely night?" She smirked. "Enough chat. You can drop the cash and come nicely, or we can force you out. Either way you're coming with us." I chuckled. "How about we have a little fun?" I quickly drew my knife and threw it at her, grazing her cheek. I winced because I didn't want to hurt her, but I couldn't let them know it was me.

Clint fired arrows at me and I easily back flipped out of the way, until I was thrown back into the wall by a repulser beam. "Oww! That hurt!" I whined as I stood up and chucked all my knives at the group. While they dodged, I ran for the exit. "Thor stop her!" I mentally groaned and turned around just in time to get smacked by Thor's hammer.


I woke up strapped to a metal chair, and groaned at the familiar situation. Fury walked in and I put my plan to work. Annoy the shit out of him. He went to speak but I was singing before he could.

"You're insecure, don't know what for, your turnin heads when you walk through the door, don't need make-"

And as soon as he walked in, he walked out. I laughed and turned to the camera. "Aww, you don't like my singing? That hurts." I fake sniffled then burst into giggles. Natasha walked in and I just sat there. she cocked an eyebrow. "What, no singing or mocking?" I shook my head. "Okay... who are you?"

"SilverBlade." She rolled her eyes. "Your real name." I smiled. "That's a secret." She sighed. "Okay, who do you work for."


"You know a Flairess Ninetales?" I nodded. She stood up and leaned over the table. "Where is she?" I smirked. "That's a secret." She sighed and I pouted. "Don't be sad. Trust me she's safe." She looked up and merely nodded. She left and Fury came back in. "Since Flairess has left we've been an Avenger short. I was watching you while you fought-"

"Stalker..." He rolled his eye and continued. "And you fought well. I was hoping you would like to join." I tapped my chin like I was in thought, but I already knew the answer. It was my plan to join them as a different person and come back when the time is right. I nodded and he uncuffed me, leading me to the meeting room. Inside sat all the Avengers, a gloomy look on their face. "Everyone, this is SilverBlade. She will be our new teammate, play nice." Tony snorted.

"We don't need anyone new, we need Flairess." Fury sighed. "Well we don't know where Agent Ninetales is so-" I cut him off. "She's closer than you think." All eyes were on me. Tony stepped towards me. "What do you mean? Where is she?" I smirked. "Right in this room." They all looked around and I took the chance to change back to my old self, uniform and all. I cleared my throat and looked at my nails boredly.

"Before you say anything, I had to lay low for a little while and you know how I like to make an entrance." They were all in shock until Natasha broke it by embracing me in a hug. "I knew it! I knew that SilverBlade was a fishy character!" I chuckled. "Missed you too Nat." I got a hug from everyone until Tony was last. He looked at me with such hope and desperation I felt my heart break. "Is that really you?" I nodded. "Yeah it-" I was cut off by warm lips against my own. I melted into it and broke away gasping for air. I stood in shock trying to figure out what just happened, then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I just kissed Tony Stark.

Flairess Ninetales, Criminal Gone Good?        Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu