Chapter 20

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I got in a defensive position and he didn't hesitate to start throwing punches. I bobbed and weaved, dodging each punch with grace. I ducked under his right arm and while he turned I kicked his legs out from under him.

He landed on his stomach and I sat on his back pinning his arms behind his back. "That was to easy Capsicle. You need to try harder." He groaned. "Not you too!" I cocked an eyebrow. "I don't know what you mean." I said as innocently as possible.

I got off of him and helped him up. He frowned at me. "Capsicle? Tony and Logan are the only ones to call me that." I grinned. "Oh well, maybe I've been hanging out with them to much." He chuckled. "Most definitely."

We were about to walk out when I glanced over to the windows, and surprise surprise, there stood Tony and Logan watching. We walked out unnoticed and I stood behind them tapping my foot.

"Enjoy the show?" They spun around shock on their faces. "How did you know we were there? How did you guys get out without us seeing? How-" I stopped them before they started babbling. "One, I saw you guys in the window. Two, my sister is the illusion pokemon, I pick up a few things."

I could hear Tony mumbling to Logan and Steve while I walked ahead. I strained my senses so I could hear. "Damn, beautiful, a good fighter, funny when wasted, and sneaky? I'm loving her more by the minute!" I smirked and spun around. "Mr. Stark, before you start talking about a girl make sure they're out of hearing distance." And with that I left them to gawk at the situation.


Me, Shadow and Natasha were hanging out in my room, doing girly things, asking girly questions when Nat asked one I was dreading. "So, what's going on between you and the guys?" I froze, but quickly regained my composure. "I don't know what you're talking about." She smirked.

"Yes, you do. Tony, Steve and Logan are practically head over heels in love with you!" I frowned. "No way! And you can't ask me any romance questions until you tell me what's going on between you and Clint!" She blushed madly. "There is nothing going on between me and him. Strictly business." Me and Shadow looked at each other.

"Business my ass..." I heard Shadow mumble and I giggled. Nat just cocked an eyebrow. "Oh yea? Well what's going on between you and Loki! You two seem really close!" I rolled my eyes. "You just changed the topic. You're avoiding the question." She sighed.

"I really like Clint, but I don't think he likes me back..." Me and Shads (Shadows nickname, like it?) burst out laughing. "Are... haha... you... heehee... joking?" I managed. She raised a brow. "What?" Me and Shads quickly turned serious. "He's obviously head over heels for you." She looked up. "Really?" Shads nodded.

"Definitely." Nat smiled. "Okay. I like Clint. Now tell me what's going on between you and Loki." Shads gulped. I poofed up some popcorn. This was gonna be good.

"N-n-nothing." She squeaked. "Nothing my ass." Nat mumbled, and I choked on my popcorn cause I was laughing so hard. They gave me a strange look. and I giggled harder. "Thats... haha... what... teehee... Shads... haha... said!" They rolled their eyes and Shadow shrugged.

"I mean, I guess I like him, but he would never like me, he's a god!
A G-O-D!"

I smirked. "Honey, if they can make pokemon hybrids, I'm sure you can win the heart of a god." She smiled a little. "Ya, I guess so. Ya I like Loki, butnow it's your turn." I gulped. Oh no.

"My turn to what?" Nat wiggled her eyebrows. "Which hero has won your fair maiden heart?" Shads giggled. I death glared her and my ears flattened while my tails waved madly for emphasis. She instantly stopped. I sighed. "I don't know. They are all great, and they all are so sweet to me. I just don't know." Shadow held a hand to her heart and her ears twitched in amusement.

"Oh you poor dear, it pains my heart to see you wanted by guys and not having a decision made on who you like best." I growled playfully and threw a pillow at her. She dodged and whacked me in the face with it before I could react. I fell of the bed and groaned in pain. "Thanks Shads, I really wanted to get hit in the face with a pillow, fall of the bed and onto my ass today!" She giggled. "No prob!"

I groaned and stood up, freezing when I heard a robotic noise. "Hey guys, what was that?" Shads shrugged and Nat looked around.

"I don't know, JARVIS maybe?" I shook my head. "No, JARVIS is noisy only when he talks." I heard it again and I spun around. My blood started to boiled. It was the security camera. "You guys, the boys were spying on us. It was the security camera making noises." Nat's eyes widened and Shadow blushed profusely. My ears were flattened, my eyes glowing red. My tails thrashed wildly and a deep growl passed my lips.

Shadow saw me and pulled Natasha back a few feet, knowing what was going to happen. I looked into the camera and yelled at the top of my lungs.


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