Chapter 3

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As soon as I heard that I was being taken to their headquarters I jumped up and ran for the escape hatch. Just before I reached it one of the Agents jabbed me with a needle. A tranquilizer. "Fuck" I mumbled as I slipped into the darkness.

I woke up strapped to a chair in a small room in front of a steel table. I growled as I remembered what happened. That's when the eyepatch man walked in. "Finally awake I see." he said with a smirk. I could easily teleport out of there at any time but I decided not to. Why not have a little fun? "Oh yes the nap was very refreshing." I said with a smirk. "Enough games!" he shouted."Who are you?" "Tiger Woods." I said sarcastically. "This is serious." he said darkly. "Oh I know it is Nick." He looked puzzled. "I recognize your voice from before." I said simply. He nodded then spoke. "Are you Flairess Ninetales?" I smiled sweetly before responding. "If you already new then why'd ya ask?" He growled, I growled back. "I like this game, it's fun!" I mocked in a childish voice. He then stormed out.

Next came in a bright red headed woman. It was so bright it was fake looking. She quickly spoke. "Alright Flairess enough games. We can do this the hard way or the easy way. "Hard way." I replied. "Fine. Did you steal the money?" "Yes." she looked shocked at my easy answer. "But you'll never find it!"

She frowned then shocked me at her response. "But we don't want the money, we want you." I looked at her suspiciously. "Why?" I asked. "We want you to join us." I was puzzled by her answer. "Why." I asked again. "Because your very talented." I smiled evily. "Oh, I get it! You want me to join your little play group! What was it... the Avengers? Why? So I can be a tool? A weapon? A slave?" I frowned at the last thing I said. I didn't want to be a slave. "No, you'll still be a free human being. The reason is because we need you."

I snickered. "Not good enough!" I practically sang out. She sighed but held her ear as her earpiece made a static like noise. She then looked at me. "We'll drop all criminal charges and let you keep all money that you have stolen." I was shocked. I thought for a moment. I could always teleport away if needed. It was too good a deal to pass up. I looked at her and smiled evily. I then looked at the security camera. "Deal."

Flairess Ninetales, Criminal Gone Good?        Where stories live. Discover now