ch. 1 Mistakes

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Kya's p.o.v

Fate tosses the sword over to me "you can leave, you've done enough damage to everyone" she says through clenched teeth as Evani starts to cry.

I just turn around and leave I flash to the meeting grounds only to be blocked out I scream in pain as I land on my leg I look up at the originals and see them shake their heads in shame and disappointment, I start to cry no one wants me around I flash to a cave far away from everyone I lean against the cave wall and roll up my pants leg to see my leg is bruised everywhere and it's not in place I put my hands on my leg deep breaths I breathe in and snap everything into place I scream out and hit the wall making the cave shake. I put my pants leg back down then I get the feeling that I'm being watched so I look around and see a giant bear starring at me, I put my head down "I'm sorry but I can't move anymore" it just roars then some cubs come in behind it they walk in and lay down. Some of the cubs lay next to me I chuckle and say "thank you" I lay down and fall asleep.

I open my eyes and take a deep breath "I hate when that memory comes back," "it's guilt that's why you see it so much" "I know Aya." I get up right then I hear paws running up the trail to the cave I grin when I see almost full grown bears run up to me then tackle me "hey guys where's mama bear" I ask while laughing I hear a roar, I get up and run over to the sound and find mama bear walking slowly up the trail "getting old now aren't we" she grows then pushes me over I just start laughing. When it hits night fall I get up "I got school tomorrow so I'll see you guys when I can" I give them all a hug then leave the cave, while walking back to the school I hear voices "I miss her so much why did she leave us like this" I recognize that voice it's Ky's I shake my head he's not here I'm just hearing things.

It's been 2 years since I last seen them & the school when I left that day I stayed away I changed schools, I go by a different name now, dyed my hair a different color and shaved off one half, I even wear contacts and piercings just so no one can make a connection with me and my brother. To be honest I miss them a lot but the pain I caused that day really killed me, after I finished crying I had went back to get some stuff so I could leave I was even more angry then before because of that I was on a war path hurting everyone that tried talking to me or got in my way whether if it was physically or emotionally I hurt them sadly including my brother.....

I stormed into the school pushing everyone out my way I ran into Ky "Kya stop this and calm down" I growled and pushed him but he didn't move "move out of my way you little emotional freak I don't need to be fucking calmed down now MOVE!" I pushed harder this time he flew into cans of paint that was laying around from a mural that was painted onto the wall, he gasped as his white clothes, hair, and shoes were covered in different colors everyone began to laugh he looked like he would cry but I couldn't have cared less I just kept walking to my room. When I got there I banged on the door "OPEN THE DOOR RYAN" I heard her yell no so I kicked open the door, she screamed in fear I just grabbed some mandatory stuff I would need for school and some money once I did that I left I kept getting calls so I turned off my phone.

I take out my phone I haven't turned it on since then I put it back in my pocket tomorrow is the last day of school thank god, I make it back to campus Mountain Peak High school when I make it to my dorm I silently slip inside and get dressed then lay down I sigh "you'll have to face them sooner or later you know that" "yeah probably some time in the summer though" I turn over then got to sleep.

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