Chapter 1

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I'm ecstatic when I finally get off the boat but I try to make my demeanor stay calm and walk off the boat normally nodding swiftly to the captain as I get off. He was a sweetheart allowing me to get on without pay but also giving me a tour and making sure I had special attention. I got the 2nd best room, the best room being the captain's quarters of course. I'm going to attended the school of fame and fortune as my group calls it. The prestigious Calleno Academy for royals and rich kids.

Of course I am neither of those. I was abandoned as a child by my mother and my father so I don't know who they were at all. I was taken in by a band of thieves and I attained many skills. I came up with the idea that we could get more money if I pretended to be a rich young lady in training and open up stores so we could possibly extort others. The other's readily agreed, my looks could very easily pass me off as one as long as I did skin treatments and trained a little bit to keep up the facade.

I pat my leg to triple check that my dagger is securely fastened to my thigh and pick up my bag very happy to get off. The boat made me deathly sick so I stayed in my cabin half the time. I manage to get a carriage to school and hire a man to come with me. When I get out the man hands me down and carries my things behind me. We go through the front doors and I turn to the doorman.

"Could you show me to the school master? I want to confirm my classes."

"Of course ma'am." he says bowing briefly. He leads me and my bag guy up the stairs and through the winding halls to the school master's office. I'm let in and the guy gets stopped.

"We will take the bags." says a 2nd guy. The bag guy looks at me and I nod. He puts it down and I pass him some money.

"Thank you very much for the help." I say and smile. He smiles back and leaves. The guy stoops to take my bag and I put my hand on it.

"Oh I think it'll be fine here until I confirm everything with the school master." I say. He nods. After some talking I get a room and my schedule. I'm certain he feels happy that I'm here. I get showed to my room and sigh. I managed to get a single, so I don't have to pretend all day. A few minutes later that guy comes with a girl who introduces herself as the dorm leader.

"Hi I'm Alyssa Night."

"Hello, I'm Cerine Fanly." I say.

"Fanly. A family name I haven't heard before."

"Yes that's because my father starting building a company and then died tragically in an accident 2 years ago. I just inherited everything since I turned 18 and am his only child."

"Oh that's horrible. I'm so sorry."

"You shouldn't be. I didn't even actually know him. I didn't feel sorry at all." I say. That makes her quiet.

"Anyways enough about me. I just hope we can be good friends." I say and hold out my hand. She takes it.

"Of course I hope that too." We smile at each other. She leaves after some more small talk with a promise to come back to show me the way to the dinning hall. Tomorrow is Sunday so since I got the permission to leave school I'll leave and look around the town, and send a note to my family. I unpack my things and sigh. There's no personality in this room. I'll need to change that. I read until Alyssa comes to get me for dinner. She leads me to her group of friends all serious studious people that seem, tedious. Maria, Cassie, and Olive.

"Nice to meet you!" Maria says.

"Hello." Olive says. Cassie just nods and goes back to reading.

"Maria and Cassie are twins though you can't tell really." Alyssa says as we sit on the bench. I smile. We talk a little and a boy comes over.

"Alyssa here's the papers." he says and I notice all the girls at the tables nearby are trying to give secretive glances and failing. So I know he's a popular one and to be avoided. I don't pay any attention to him and lean over to whisper to Cassie.

"What're you reading?" She looks at me surprised for a sec then smiles faintly.

"Midsummer's Night Dream."

"Ah Shakespeare." I say and she lowers her book.

"Have you read a lot of his works?" she asks.

"Not really I always get distracted by other things. I can't focus on it long with all the complicated wordplay even though they're wonderful. I have an entire book of maybe all the plays."

"Really?!" she says excitedly then lowers sheepishly.

"Of course, I can let you borrow it." I say. Maybe not all of Alyssa's friends are tedious.

"Oh thanks. I'll get it tomorrow at breakfast."

"I can just give it to you after dinner. We have an hour of free time before curfew, right Alyssa?" I say.

"Oh yes. Of course."

"Oh well then ok." Cassie says. She's trying to be conservative but the thought of the book being in her grasp seems to good to pass up for her. Olive looks at her and she shrinks away so I gently tap Olive's foot. She looks at me and I imperceptibly shake my head. She frowns. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

Cerine FanlyWhere stories live. Discover now