Chapter 33

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Father is screaming I'm an ungrateful child, Mother is dramatic saying she's getting vapors from the stress. Brother sits in stony silence while Danny is trying to calm my parents. I look off to the side towards the door when they fly open. Everyone stops and looks in surprise.

"You have another visitor Cerine." says the doorman who slipped out with the gardener when it first started. Zada walks in and I jump up in surprise.

"Zada! I didn't think you'd be visiting so soon." I say and go to her. We hug and she whispers.

"Mom sent me to check on you." she whispers.

"She worries too much." I whisper back as the doorman closes the doors behind him. Danny comes over.

"You're Zada? I've heard a lot about you. My name is-"

"Danny. I know all about you too." Zada smirks as they shake hands.

"Who is this?" Father asks

"My friend Duchess Alamar." I say and my family looks surprised.

"Cerine and I became good friends before I became married. She's like a sister to me." She says and I laugh.

"What's going on by the way? Is this, your family?" she asks. I nod and she studies them for a moment.

" I see. Nice to meet you Silvian." she says to my brother then turns and takes my hand. She's about to say something when the doors unexpectedly open again and this time. It's the Prince.

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