Chapter 7

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She immediately flushes and covers her mouth.

"Oh my goodness how horrid of me." she says and I smile.

"Don't worry I would never tell." I say and she uncovers her mouth to smile.

"I know. We've only known each other for a few days and yet I can tell you're extremely loyal to your friends." she says. I nod. She's my friend now, but once she hears who I actually am she'll distance herself, like everyone of high standing always does. All except fpr one, but he's indisposed right now. Thank goodness for that.

I spend the time with Cassie in her room until dinner and the four of us sit down and are served. When the Prince finally makes his appearance he comes straight to our table.

"Madame Fanly." he says and holds out his hand. I put my hand in his again and the same tight grip is extended to me as he pulls me to my feet.

"Shall we go talk?" he says letting go.

"Of course." I say and nod to the girls.

"Excuse me." I say and I make a pause for a server.

"If you could please save the rest for me? I'll eat it later."

"Don't worry I'm sure the cook will make a new dish for you. We can bring it to your room."

"You are too kind. Thank you." I say and pat her arm. The prince casually takes my wrist and tucks it into the crook of his arm.

"We must be going." he says. I nod to the server and we leave out the dining room I steel myself for the conversation.

Cerine FanlyWhere stories live. Discover now