Chapter 25

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The next morning everyone is avoiding me. The only two people I know want to talk to me are Cassie and Jasper from the looks they're shooting me. I pretend to ignore everything as I go through the line. I stay standing as I eat. The chef and servers give me pitying looks which I also ignore. I quickly eat and then walk back out with my head high. A guy comes up to me.

"Some people saying they're your parents are here to see you."

"Send them away. I won't see them." I say and his eyes widen slightly.

"Yes Ms. Cerine." he says and we go down together. I get in a carriage before they come out.

"Just ride to the closest fountain." I say on a sigh. The footman does so without comment. Everyone knows. It takes about 15 minutes to go to the town square. I get out and sit by the edge of the fountain looking into the water. I'm not sure how long I was sitting there but then I hear a voice I haven't heard in quite a while.

"Cerrie?" she says and I turn in surprise.

"Zada what are you doing here?"

"I came with my husband for a banquet. We just arrived an hour ago." she says sitting next to me and takes my hand.

"How have you been?" she asks smiling gently. She looks good, and very happy. I'm happy for her.

"The same. Though I'm starting to get tired. I got arrested. They didn't know anything so I got through it without spilling anything. Also I found my parents, but they are still the same." I say and she scowls.

"Those fu'ckin bastards." she whispers as she briefly slips into the accent she grew up around and with. She's also more caring than when she was with us.

"I want to meet your husband." I say smiling. She stands and pulls me up with her.

"Let's go then!" she says and joins arms with me.

Cerine FanlyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora