Chapter 35

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I quickly shuffle them to the door and say my goodbyes to my family.

"What are you doing now Cer? Are you really cutting yourself off from the pirates?"

"Not completely. They'll probably send me messages through Zada. That's why she came. Captain sent her to check on me." I say and he smiles.

"You'll be there right? The day I move back in with them?" I ask.

"Of course, and once you're there I'll visit everyday." he says. I smile.

"And you'll change his mind about us getting married right?" I say holding his hand and he blushes. I laugh softly and pull away.

"See you in a few days Danny." I say and back through the front doors then close them behind me. I go and find Jasper with Zada.

"I'm free now and we have a lot to talk about. I'll be taking her Jasper." I say taking her hand.

"It was nice to meet you Prince Jasper." Zada says sweetly and we race off to my room. I tell her everything about the last few days and at the end of it she responds with.

"My goodness." she says and then goes mute. That about sums it up yes.

"So you'll be back with them?" she says eventually. I nod and she pulls me into a hug.

"Bring them hell." she whispers and I laugh roughly.

"Z. That's the plan." Needless to say, I avoided Jasper and the next day he was gone. Called away for Royal Duties.

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