Chapter 19

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The guards stand on either side of me and Jasper behind me. We get up to my room. Jina is on my shoulder and when we get to my room he glides down over to my dresser. He pecks the door and it opens.

"Welcome back Cerine." he says and then takes in the situation hopping out.

"What's going on."

"They're arresting me for treason. How could you lie to me. I thought we were friends. To think that you're from those- those murdering thieving pirates!" I say and then burst into tears. I can cry at the drop of a hat. One of my skills that really come in handy at times like these. Clark won't betray me. He frowns and walks over to the window to look out.

"So. They've told you." he says gravely. He quickly opens the window and it swings open.

"I wish it wasn't to be this way. I'm sure you'll be cleared. After all you don't have anything to do with us." he says and then jumps out the window. I continue crying and fall to the ground.

"How could you just leave me!" I wail after him.

"How could you leave me in your place when it's you who are treasonous." I whisper and then pretend to faint. The guards are worried for me. Jasper is second guessing things. Manipulating is so easy with a good co actor. Clark has a flare for the dramatics though. Jasper picks me up and they carry me downstairs and out to the jailing carriage. He gently places me on the bench and he even stays inside with me for the whole ride. I pretend to wake up near the end as the carriage is slowing.

"Wh-where are we?" I ask.

"At the jail. I'm sorry Cerine. I'm sure you'll be cleared soon." he says and he reaches out for me but I turn away. He opens the door for me and attempts to hand me down.

"I'll get out on my own." I say and slowly walk down the steps. The guards take up position on either side of me again and walk me inside. I could've gotten out on my own. It would be so easy to slide my knife out and kill them. However Jasper would be a problem. It would hurt to kill him because I'd grown to care for him, as a friend of course. But if I did kill him I would be hunted. So my only choice is this. The role of he wronged woman.

"Could I write a note for Danny before we go in?" I ask pausing just outside.

"It's fine as long as I can read it first."

This is what I wrote. Danny I've been sent to prison for false accusations of treason. Please get my parents to come so I can prove that I am of high standing.

"I thought your parents were dead." Jasper says.

"Yes. Danny's parents who raised me are dead. My real parents abandoned me. Danny came tell me he had found them." I say. He looks surprised.

"I told you Jasper. You don't know me at all." I say and then continue walking. My two guards and I leave him behind.

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