Chapter 21

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My mom has a handkerchief over her face and each prisoner she passes is met with a glare of disgust. They've yet to notice me but I've noticed them. My hatred rises yet another notch. They finally stop before my cell and everyone is silent. Everyone else watches them as they stare at me.

"You were right Danny. It really is our Scarlett." Mother whispers taking the cloth off her mouth.

"I hate that name. I go by Cerine now."

"That is not the way you speak to your mother. I taught you better than that." Father growls. Yes. I remember very well now. I was very happy when they abandoned me. There was no love in that house, and it seems there will be no love coming back in.

"I don't care what you think father. I'm not your pawn anymore." I say and he bangs his hands on the bars causing myself and most of the others to flinch.

"Look here little girl if you want us to get you out of here you had better watch your insolent mouth."

"I'd rather spend my time in here than another moment with you." I say then focus on Danny.

"Thank you for finding them."

"Anything for you Cerine." he says and I smile faintly, sadly.

"Yes. Besides. You shouldn't use your money. I'll be out soon. I have done nothing treasonous." I say then Jina squeezes through the grate bars and hops to me. My hands outstretched.

"Oh you silly Jina. Why'd you come in here. I know you don't like tight spaces like this." I say to him. He rubs his feathers against my cheek and I laugh softly then I notice there's a note.

If you aren't out of there by night time we're coming to break you out.

It says and I sigh. They worry too much. Then again I've never been caught before.

"What's the note say?" Jasper says.

"Nothing of importance." I say and put it in Jina's beak.

"Take care of it please." I say smoothing a finger down his head. He squeezes back out the grate and flies away.

"What did the note say Cerine." Alyssa says.

"I'll only tell Danny." I say. They make sure to keep Father away from the bars and I whisper in his ear.

"Get me out fast or else the Vipers will break in to get me out." I say and he turns a shade paler.

"That's not good."

"I know."

"What's not good?"

"It seems, that I unknowingly met the Captain of the Vipers... She said she took a liking to me and that if I'm not cleared by nightfall. The Vipers and the Cougars are going to break me out." I say.

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