Chapter 28

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After a two hour long discussion we take a break since it's almost time for dinner. I very gratefully leave but after taking ten steps Jasper stops me.

"I gave you some time to calm down. Now will you consider us being together? I never even thought of Alyssa as an option. You are the only woman who draws my attention."

"Should I be flattered by that? I've been saying all this time I don't want it." I say and he presses me back into the wall cupping my face, making me look up at him. He isn't much taller than me, unlike Danny who's the same height or Clarkson who's a good foot above me but when we're this close. It's more obvious.

"Stop deflecting me with cynicism Cerine." he says and I look at him startled. Somehow he's slowly getting better at reading me and it's scary. I pride myself on being unreadable and forever changing while on the job. Adapting to the situation. Usually though guys, except for Clark aren't this aggressive.

"Stop it, Back away." I say and Alyssa finally comes out.

"What is going on here?" she says looking shocked at Jasper as he backs away finally.

"He's not taking no for an answer." I say and that leaves him silent.

"Do we have to keep you away from her?" She says slowly turning aggressive.

"No of course not! I control myself well." Jasper says disgruntled.

"I'll see you both later." I say and hurry away.

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