Chapter 12

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I don't want to leave yet and refuse to get back in the chest.

"Go get Ceril first. After I talk to him then I'll leave." I say. He stays still.

"Gerrick. Now." I say and he grumpily crosses his arms.

"Fine, but make it quick." He says and trudges off to get him. I smile. It's great pulling rank when it comes to him. He's good to rely on in combat though. A moment later after G leaves, Clarkson steps in.

"Hello. Cerine." he says and I casually slide one of the knives out my boot.

"Clark did you sneak onto the boat?"

"Of course I did. Once I heard they were going to see you I had to. I've really missed you Mon Cherie." he says keeping his distance. Clarkson is apart of another band of thieves that we have an on and off alliance with. He's taken a liking to me and always asks me out whenever we meet. I always say no. There's got to be another motive to him wanting to be with me and it most definitely isn't good. He comes closer but stays out of my arm range.

"What are you doing around these parts? Maybe I could help?" he asks casually.

"It's nothing to concern you about. It's personal." I say and he nods.

"Alright." he says and pulls the chair over to sit.

"Why don't you tell me."

"How about no." I say then Ceril and G walk in.

"What the-" Ceril says when his eyes land on Clarkson. I sigh and lower my weapon. That's when Clarkson strikes and tries to pin me to the bed but I press my knife against his throat. He chuckles.

"This is exactly why I enjoy pursuing you, much to your confusion yes? You always put up a good fight. I'm determined to make those walls crumble. One day they will." he says and then drops his voice to a whisper.

"And I'll be there waiting to catch you." he says. I shiver and he shoves off the bed laughing. G and Ceril have their weapons out now. I wave at them.

"Let him go. He hasn't done any harm." I say and they reluctantly let him pass.

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