Chapter 4

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I get up and head to breakfast alone. I'm one of the 1st one's to arrive. I sit at the table waiting for the others to come and some girls come over.

"Hello." I say and smile. They brighten up immediately and introduce themselves. They sit and talk with me when Maria and Cassie come over. The others immediately stand.

"See you later Cerine." One says and I smile.

"Bye." I say then turn to the them.

"Are you always the 1st one's to get to the table?"

"Usually yes." M says. Alyssa and Olive come in together.

"Good morning." I say sweetly. The look a little surprised but nod. When we get served I hand her a note. The serving woman keeps walking like nothing happened. This time the girls don't say anything about it. After breakfast Mr. Sydney stops us to talk to me.

"There's a man at the door asking for you. Ms. Cerine." I frown. All of us go to the front doors and I see Kinman dressed magnificently. The outfit is ruined though by his huge scar on his face. I pause.

"You all wait here." I say not looking at them. I go down to meet him and put my hand on his arm.

"What are you doing here." I hiss.

"I'm very sorry. The letter is very important, I don't know what it says. But I was sent my own letter by your leader and she expressed that the letter for you was important." he says and hands the note to me. I open it and read.

Dear Cerine. I want to be able to get notes to you without being indebted to Kinman and his gang, and so that you can keep your money for more needed things. I've sent Jina to you so we can send notes easily.

I nod and close the letter.

"Thank you for this." I say and whistle. Jina comes and lands on my arm then presses his beak against my face. I smile.

"Did you miss me?" I say petting his feathers. He gives a short caw and ruffles his feather's up. That's a yes, and to stop petting him.

"I don't think you can come in, but stay close to the school and I'll let you in at night." He flys off.

"Why were you talking to the bird like it can understand you?"

"Because he can understand. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be starting classes in a few. Don't come here again." I say and let go of him and smile. I walk away.

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