Chapter 14

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The next morning he's waiting outside of my room.

"Good morning Miss Cerine." he says. I notice the other three down the hall peeking around the corner.

"Goodmorning Jasper." I say and he holds out his hand. I begrudgingly take it.

"No need to look so, put out with walking me is there?"

"I loathe attention and wanted to be conspicuous." I say and he glances at me.

"I don't understand how when you have all the castle servants wrapped around your finger, and you're friends with some of the popular girls."

"Friends is an overstatement for all of them except for Cassie." I whisper to him and when we pass by the girls I smile and wave.

"Goodmorning. We should have tea again today."

"I'll get with you later on the time." Maria says.

"Are you sure about that?" he asks when out of their hearing range.

"They were very angry with me before you started talking to me." I say and give him a look.

"Oh. I get it now. So. Are we friends?" he asks and I stop. He stops and we look at each other.

"Hmm. Not yet." I say and let go of him.

"Let's go." I say and walk faster. I'm fast, so it might be hard for him to keep up. I thought. Oh how wrong I was. He kept pace with me staying right on my tail all the way to the dinning hall. When I get their one of the girls are waiting.

"Mail for you Ms- I mean Cerine." I smile and take it.

"Thank you." I say and look at what I got. Two letters. One is familiar handwriting, the other isn't but it has the initials of Kinman.

"There was also someone that came with that letter." the lady says pointing to the one that isn't Kinman's.

"Tell them I'll be a moment. I'm going to have breakfast and read the note first." I say.

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