Chapter 10

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I immediately close the note and put it in Jina's claw.

"You know what to do with it." I say and he flies out the door. I check my watch and sigh. It's 7:40. Hardly any time.

"I have to go." I say and pick up my dress slightly so I can walk faster.

"You're going out now?" he asks.

"Yes. Someone important to me just wrote that they're here and are expecting a meeting. I can't refuse the meeting."

"Well let me-" he starts.

"I'm sorry you can't escort me. The person doesn't trust or like new people and coming unannounced. I'm sure you understand." I say and go faster leaving the prince behind. I hop in the carriage as soon as it arrives and I go to the menagerie where clothes are waiting for me. My usual night raid clothes, all black men's clothing.

The Knob is next. ~YL

It says. I change let down my hair and race back out. I move through the shadows watching all around me making sure I'm not followed and when I arrive some men approach me.

"Been a little while G." I whisper. He leads me to a back room and opens a chest.

"Get in. I'm gonna carry you in here to the leader. She's on a boat." he says and I smile.

"She's putting a lot into the secrecy work this time."

"Well it's important this time. Hurry up and get in."

"Alright don't get twisted in a knot about it." I say and climb in scrunching in and getting as comfortable as possible.

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