Chapter 34

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"Out." I say immediately. He looks a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry to bother you but. Could we talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about." I say and there's silence.

"Prince Jasper hello. Could you show me around the school while I wait for Rine?" she says holding her hand out to him while glancing back and winking at me."

"Well-" he says and glances at me.

"It would be a nice favor for you to do for me right Jasper?" I say and tilt my head to the side. It goes without saying it would go a little ways in forgiving him a bit.

"Alright then," he says, taking Zada's hand and placing it on his arm.

"We'll still need to talk."

"Of course. Later."

"You know the Prince too?" Father says.

"Yes. I also know his cousin Olive. I know everyone here. Though I'd rather have Jasper leave me alone, for now." I say sitting back down. Danny looks at me.

"Not that way." I way and he laughs awkwardly.

"Of course I knew that." I need to hurry this thing up.

"Alright. I will come home. I want to move my stuff back before going home. By the end of the week is alright?"

"Oh. Yes that's fine." Father says confused. He was expecting me to fight this the entire way. Which I would usually do. But I don't want them staying here long and to process everything happening. I don't want Father to start thinking of getting me engaged to Jasper when I promised Danny we would years ago.

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