Chapter 8

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"The servants seem to really like you." he says first.

"It's no big deal. I'm just kind to them unlike most of the others here." I say and he pauses. I turn to see him studying me.

"What did you wish to talk about my Prince?"

"My name is Jasper." he says gruffly.

"Prince Jasper." I say and he almost rolls his eyes.

"Just Jasper to you Cerine." he says. Not at all how I expected this talk would go but if he wants to drop all titles and be friendly we need to get some other things out of the way first.

"Aren't you being a little bit rude Jasper." I say and he freezes.

"Excuse me?"

"You've been very rude. In the way you speak as well as the crushing grips on my hand and grabbing and touching me so carelessly." I say. He frowns

"Well I didn't really mean to." he starts quietly and I lift an eyebrow.

"So you've been rude and then you immediately want to blow past pleasentry rules and use first names." I say and he falls into silence. I got him, but I don't smirk like I want. That would ruin the moment and make him angry.

"I'm sorry." He whispers and then lets go and turns to me.

"But I'd still like to call you Cerine, and you call me Jasper." he says staring at me straight on waiting for my response. I still can't say no, no matter how friendly we get he's a prince, and I need to conform more with the society.

"Of course if you wish it that way, Jasper." I say and he gives a small smile. He holds out his hand once again and I take it as he guides it back to his arm.

"It's time we get back." he says.

"Alright." I say.

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