Chapter 15

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Jasper and I go in and directs me to his table again.

"I won't have much time to talk with them Jasper. I'd rather sit at my usual table." I say and he frowns. I quickly walk away before he can say anything else. When I sit down a server puts a bowl down in front of me.

"For you Cerine." he says and I smile.

"Thank you so much." The man smiles and then goes back to the kitchen.

"You really do get the special treatment." Maria says and I shrug. I finish eating and Jasper is by my side again.

"I'll walk you to the parlor." he says reaching for my arm but I move aside out of reach.

"I'm fine there's no need for you to come with me. Sit and finish eating." I say then walk away. He follows behind me anyway.

"I'm trying to court you." he says when we get out of the diningroom and I pause.

"I don't want to be courted. I'm not interested." I say and he pauses in surprise. I walk faster and he comes out of his daze to follow me. I don't say any more and just go into the parlor where he's been waiting for me.

"Hi Cerine. It's been a little while." he says and I smile.

"Hi Danny."

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