Chapter 22

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 "How do you know these people at all." Jasper says bewildered.

"Well. My parents abandoned me, but Danny's took me in. Though after they died no one else would. The captain adopted me and sent me to live in a house alone." I say amending the last part.

"So you don't know anything about the Captain." Alyssa says.

"I know a little more than most. She has two children for instance." I say and the guards move closer in interest.

"Other than that there's nothing." I say and they look disappointed.

"She keeps things under tight wraps because sometimes there's spies. But she runs the crew like it's one big family. She cares for every crew member so you can't buy their loyalty, and spies will always be caught." I say giving them information but not at the same time and Alyssa's eyes narrow.

"Yeah. Ok then. We're done questioning her." Alyssa says.

"We can release her. She's freed of suspicion." Jasper says and then when Alyssa is about to object he whispers in her ear.

"Yes. Everything is fine." she says and they let me out of my cell. I ignore my parents.

"If I'm free. Then why don't we try to capture Clark? I have the perfect bait." I say and grab the handkerchief out of Jasper's hand.

"That is a good idea." Alyssa says.

"We can't do it right away though. It would be very suspicious." I say. Alyssa and Jasper nod.

"I knew there was a reason why I liked you." Alyssa says grinning. Oh really? Just a moment ago you were certain I couldn't be trusted.

"Let's go back to school. The others will be happy to have you back." Jasper says.

"The only one happy will be Cassie. I'll be glad to be back though." I say and we start to walk away. Father puts his hand on my shoulder.

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