Chapter 29

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Two days later at the stroke of midnight I arrive at the designated place. We didn't bring that many guards with us. I already know that will be a bad mistake on their part. When it's a mission or callout we never come alone. We just appear like we have.

"Clarkson. I'm glad you came." I say when he steps out of the shadows."

"What is it you want Cerine?"

"I just wanted to give this back to you. It doesn't belong to me." I say handing him my handkerchief. He takes it and smiles then looks at me.

"Thank you." he says pocketing it and then we're surrounded by six gaurds.

"Don't move. You will be placed under arrest for many charges such as arson among other things." The lead guard says and then Clarkson laughs.

"You honestly thought I would come alone?" He says and we're surrounded. I keep from smiling.

The chief emerges from the circle eyes locked on me. Clarkson moves to her side and then also turns his gaze to me.

"It's been a while Cerine." She says.

"Hello Chief." I say bowing my head slightly. After that she gives orders for the guards to throw down their weapons and then have them tied up.

"This will be your only warning. Don't call any of us out again or next time some of you will end up dead." She says glaring at them. She again focuses on me and nods.

"Be careful Cerine. We won't answer you again." She says and then they melt back into the darkness. I immediately start on untying them. They then go trying to follow the others but I know them. They're already long gone.

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