Chapter 11

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The swaying motion as he carries me makes me a little dizzy and I swear he throws the chest down as much as possible. Otherwise it's a surprisingly short time before he opens the chest again and I climb out into the captain's quarters on the boat.

"Thanks for the ride Gimpy." I say slapping his back real hard. He absolutely hates when I call him that and he growls at me. I grin and turn to her.

"Hi Cap." I say sitting down once he leaves.

"Hi Cerine. I really missed you, come sit here next to me." she says. She might be rough and tumble but she does have a soft spot for her crew. It especially shows with me cause she took me in and claimed me as her daughter. I was abandoned by my parents at the age of six. I vowed I would take my revenge, and this is a big step towards that. I retained some memory of that time. My parents faces, my real first name, and that we had some grandiose title even though we were poor. The last thing they wanted to do was give up that title so they left me. But I survived, and I'll make sure they'll regret ever doing that.

"How's the plot going?"

"Alright for the most part. I have yet to find them, but the servants working in the school all love me, and I have a small information network here now."

"You always did work fast." I grin at her rare praise.

"I just wanted to check in on you. You were our most important asset and we got things done with you that normally couldn't."

"You always have Zada." I say, mentioning her real blood daughter, who is just as beautiful as I.

"She's a disappointment." she snarls suddenly jumping up.

"She ran off, left us. Her family, for a nice cushy life, with some Baron." she says and I nod. I'm a little upset but not really surprised. She'd always liked that life more.

"Mother. We must respect her decision." I say simply and she turns to look at me for a moment and calms down.

"Yes of course darling." she says and walks over to me and caresses my face.

"You should be going back now." she says and taps on the door. G comes in.

"See you again soon Cerine." she says putting on her hat and walking out.

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