Chapter 23

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"Where do you think you're going."

"Are you deaf? Back to school." I say and he pulls his hand back to slap me. I bend my leg quickly sliding my blade out and put it against his neck.

"You don't have any say over what I do anymore. You gave up that right when you abandoned me." I say and then glance at Mom also. She takes that chance.

"Wouldn't you like to see your older brother darling? He'd like to see you. He's been looking for you." she says and I frown.

"If he wants to see me tell him I go to Calleno Academy." I say and Danny puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Put the knife away Cece. You're making the others uncomfortable." he says. I lock eyes with my father and we continue watch each other as I put it back under my dress. Danny takes my arm gently and pulls me away. The guards fall in step behind us.

"We'll do our best to keep your parents off the school premises." Alyssa whispers.

"I'm warning you now if they happen to and they die don't be surprised." I say. Alyssa and Jasper look at me appalled. I shrug and then motion for Jasper to come closer. He bends down slightly so I can whisper in his ear.

"I told you, you don't know me. Wouldn't Alyssa be a better pairing for you." I say. He pulls back and looks at me, his face blank. He's definitely thinking about that now. Glad to have that over. I already have too many guys after me. All of them I have an affinity with though.

Danny who I had a childhood crush on. Who is understanding and calming. We said we'd get married when we got older. Clarkson who can match me in attitude and fighting. If I continue the life as a pirate I'm sure we'll get together just like he said. Lastly Jasper. He matches my passion and creativity. I understood that from the few conversations we had. Out of them all he has the most risks. Over it all I just might choose Danny. With the scrutiny I'm sure to get now I'll have to give the pirate life up. However I'm not ready to be tethered down yet.

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