45.) the storm

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"The pain made me grow up
but it also froze me in time.
Deep down, I'm still the
child you left behind"



Taehyung's POV

"Alright, that's a wrap! Thank you all so much for attending"

Taehyung's eyes shot up in surprise. The interviews were done? They were scheduled to go on for at least another two hours. Marla wasn't here so he couldn't ask her what had changed in their plan but he guessed it had something to do with the flight times.

Cassia wasn't back yet. He asked an assistant for her but no one had seen the short brunette girl in the blue dress. Pulling out his phone he dialed in her number but sighed and closed his eyes in realization when he remembered she didn't have any service. They should've fixed that earlier.

"Marla?" he spoke into the phone instead. His assistant picked up at the first ring. "Why are we wrapping up so much earlier, what's going on?"

"I just got a call from management. Apparently something came up, I think flight times changed, I'm not sure yet. They called us an for an emergency meeting. Your driver should be there in five. I will tell you more as soon as they let me know the details. Jimin and I are being picked up as well right now, see you there" the assistant's voice sounded rushed and unsure.

Taehyung knew she hated not knowing what was going on. Marla always had to be in control. Her discomfort was showing up in her voice.

"Marla, hold on! Cassia went out to get food earlier and she's still not back. I can't leave without her, I'll have to go look for her first"

"There's no time for that! Your driver's here any minute. I'm sure they'll pick her up later. You need to be at the meeting, V! We'll figure this out, I promise you, just get in the car please" Marla urged him.

"Without Cassia? I can't just leave her behind, her phone's not even working! What the hell is going on, we've never had an emergency meeting before, what even is this?" Taehyung's voice raised, he was getting frustrated.

"I know we haven't. That's why it's all the more important for Jimin and you to be there! V, please don't be difficult, not now. I promise they'll get Cassia later!" Marla pleaded him.

The fact that Marla was just as confused by what was going on as him was only worrying Taehyung further. He pulled at his dark hair in frustration. Staff were motioning for him to get outside to the car but he was still not moving. Praying for Cassia to show up around the corner.

He listened to Marla's stressed out voice from the phone, pleading him to listen to her. "I'll drive to get her myself if I have to, we're not leaving without Cassia, just please move your butt to that meeting, V! Listen to me just this once!" The usual controlled, calm tone of her voice completely stripped away.

Why was this all happening now? Why were they having an emergency in the first place?

"Sir, they're waiting for you" a voice called but he didn't bother looking up. Marla's voice suddenly got cut off. The call was apruptly ended.

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