17: Spring Hunt

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The hunting grounds clamored with voices, arrows flying, an electric excitement in the air. Dongfang Chao initiated the hunt as the energy reached a peak. Unlike the Fall Hunt, the Spring Hunt was merely a formality, so the hunt was not particularly fierce. Meanwhile, the women were allowed to watch from the sidelines.

On the spacious land, the women sat in groups under the protection of soldiers, gossiping excitedly about the men disappearing quickly into the hunting grounds. Of course, they would praise their own husbands a little more.

Zi Yinye sat alone, calmly gazing into the hunting grounds. The princess still had not appeared. It seems she must have lost track of time clinging to Ren Fengyao. Gah! Whatever, she would just have to wait. Hopefully, that girl didn't forget their agreement.

She was bored, but she could not leave. Fortunately, princess Xie had not come today. Moreover, the concubines had higher statuses than wives of officials, meaning they would not have been together; otherwise, she wouldn't have been so at ease currently. She glanced at the fiercely gossiping womenfolk, then lowered her gaze. Here was also very lively! How was this a hunt? Clearly, it was an excursion! How... annoying!

There was a sharp and arrogant voice.

"Hey*! Do you still remember the agreement?"

*Saying "Hey" is rude in Chinese. It's like the way you're supposed to address strangers, so saying "hey" to someone you know is like...

Zi Yinye looked up to see Dongfang Rongfei overlooking her on horseback, nodding. She slowly got up. Finally!

The men continued to pursue the prey into the depths of the hunting ground, while the women, for fear of being lonesome, followed them in. Nobody noticed them, how fortunate! She secretly signaled Chun Ri with her eyes, grabbed the reins of the horse offered, and then mounted.

"You have the guts to ride a horse? How unexpected!" Dongfong Rongfei humphed, "If you're brave enough, then follow me around the hunting ground once, but if you're unlucky and run into a tiger, boar or the like, just pray you don't get hurt."

Zi Yinye did not say anything, only giving a slight nod. Seeing Zi Yinye giving no indication of backing down, Dongfang Rongfei suddenly felt strange. It seems that the girl she had been looking down on was not as simple as she seemed. With a cold sneer, she discarded her thoughts and urged the horse forward.

Giving Chun Ri another wink, Zi Yinye urged the horse after Dongfang Rongfei. With the atmosphere so lively, no one noticed the two entered the depths of the other side.

Wind whistled past their ears. Dongfang Rongfei whipped the horse, pressing it to go faster, but no matter how much she accelerated, Zi Yinye remained a certain distance behind, not close, but not far either. Her competitive streak aroused, she completely forgot to question how a supposedly weak lady would have such horsemanship.

Further in the royal hunting ground in the southeast was a steep cliff, the Raging River below. Dongfang Rongfei advanced furiously, unable to shake off Zi Yinye. She gritted her teeth, then urged her horse into the dense thicket. Previously, they had been racing on a wide expanse of land. It seems Dongfang Rongfei had become a bit urgent. The forest was considerably more dangerous.

Zi Yinye grinned and followed her in. It was very dim underneath the canopy and the horses were unable to run either, so she slowed her pace, letting the horse amble forward slowly. Suddenly, she heard Dongfang Rongfei yell. Alarmed, she lightly patted the horse to quicken their pace. Soon, Zi Yinye was greeted with Dongfang Rongfei's horse lying on its side, while Dongfang Rongfei had a sword pressed to her neck by a masked man in black. What was going on?

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