31: Risky Opportunity Pt. 2

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Seeing the beautiful woman in white standing in the middle of the stage, Ye Yin quietly sighed. What a stunning woman, gentle, yet cold.

Her brows were not touched up with make up, furrowed instead. She had typical phoenix eyes, charming, yet her gaze was indifferent. Her lips were rouge red, yet closed tightly, a thin line.

Her silky hair curled naturally, only a jade hairpin holding her hair in place. Wearing white, she gave off the air of a deity, yet appeared even more gentle, like a pure white lotus flower.

One would expect her to be in her best attire tonight, yet she wore a plain white dress without any make up. She stood there without a word, yet this aroused many men's sense of protection.

It could be said her appearance was a success. Whether deliberate or unintentional, her appearance had a stunning effect. All men had their eyes glued to her.

Ye Yin also watched her without blinking, thinking to himself, tonight, men would go crazy for her!

He leaned back, adjusting his position. Ye Yin slowly opened his eyes. "Dong Chen, you will be responsible next. You must obtain it!"

"Who Rouge will spend her first night with will depend on whomever the six aforementioned gentlemen bid the highest. Now, the auction will begin starting at the prince of two thousand silver!"

Two thousand?! The sound of drawn breath could be heard in the main hall, evidently shocked by this starting price. Just as Hua Zixiang finished speaking, the person in room one yelled, "Five thousand silver!"

Immediately doubling the price, Qi Chengfeng sure was imposing! Although West Zhi officials currently fared somewhat better than East Zhi officials, the government was an empty frame. If it were not for the fact that the treasury was empty, with the West Zhi emperor's temperament, he would not have been so courteous to merchants.

Most of the silver in West Zhi was in the hands of local landowners, but these people were all miserly. They were not willing to contribute money to the nation, instead, acting as if they were poor. This was why West Zhi was overall not poor, but West Zhi government officials were relatively poor. In such a tense financial situation, where did Qi Chengfeng obtain this money?

"Ten thousand!"

Hearing from Chu Feiye's tone that he was not to be outdone, Ye Yin slowly smiled, but the smile quickly disappeared. How sorrowful a woman being objectified and sold should feel!

Qi Chengfeng and Chu Feiye continued in to be in a deadlock. Ye Yin suddenly felt something was strange. How come those other three people still had not made any moves? Was their plan was the same as his, making a bid at the last minute? If that was true... If they wanted to capture Rouge's attention, then he would have to straightforwardly lure them out.

Ye Yin's eyes opened abruptly. "Dong Chen, start bidding, only increasing the price by one silver each time!"

Because Ye Yin started to participate, the crowds below started to whisper. They were wondering who was reckless enough to meddle with the fight between two county lords, daring to annoy the county lords by only increasing the price by one silver each time!

As the bidding continued, the crowd gradually started to increase in volume while the voices of the people in rooms one and two gradually increased in constrained anger. Ye Yin glanced down at the motionless Rouge, a sorrowful emotion rising in his heart. What had she experienced that she was so numb, so apathetic? Her expression had not changed from start to finish, not sad nor happy, very dull, as if she were just living to watch other people's lives instead of living her own. Her eyes were dead, without any emotion. Her circumstances forced her to hide her emotions deep within!

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